Realising you buggered your life up.
What Is The Hardest Thing About Leaving The Truth?
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
When you leave the org. you leave a part of your life and a part of your dreams of paradise behind. You also feel as if all that you did in the org. was for nothing, just wasted time, just like an employee who works 40 hours and will never get paid.
The hardest thing for me....... it took a while to break the habit of calling it "The Truth".
It was also very difficult, but I felt it was a necessary thing to do, to contact my "worldly" relatives and apologize for the aloofness with which I (like the rest of my family) treated them while I was a JW and offer to make amends. It was almost the same as the step in AA where the individual details how their alcoholism has damaged relationships and how they plan to rectify things. I have far more non-JW relatives than JW ones, so it was a rather daunting undertaking. It was well worth the effort though.
Love, Scully
MINIMUS: If you've left or are considering leaving the "truth" ,
MINIMUS: what is the most difficult thing that you must deal with?
ME: There were allot of difficult things to deal with. If I had to pick out one, and only one of the most difficult it would be this.
When I was doing my research and considering all that was in front of me, I had the most difficult time settling within myself the fact that the people where I was from, elders and such, were not as bad as portrayed here on this board and others. Yes, true blue die for the org dubs, but otherwise very nice people. I struggled within myself with that. One in particular was my fishing buddy, and a good friend whom I trusted with my personal feelings to an extent concerning my personal life, only. I would not go to far with borg issues, lest I raise the red flag of apostasy.
MINIMUS:Is it losing family or friends?
Me: I lost lots of friends, but what is a friendship thats conditional?
MINIMUS:Is it feeling isolated?
Me: no. i dont feel isolated at all.
MINIMUS:Is it a loss of faith?
I was worried at first. But as I have come to find, people like myself go through this phase (I learned this in my support group this weekend) where they just know they believe in God, but cant even open the bible to read it. Thats where Im at. I dont know where, or how long, but Ill come around. In my own time. May take years.
MINIMUS:Is it worry that you're making the right decision???
Me: what? Me worry? Nope J I got no worries mate. Not a one. J
There were so many things that made leaving hard.
The emotions of leaving the only thing I held as the "truth" all my life.
The recovery of deprogramming myself, the self doubt, the panic.
Losing my dream of living forever on this earth.
Going thru alot of anger and resentment ,towards the WT lies and my course in life because of beieving it.
And knowing what I was labled as, and how I knew that the ones I did care about didnt know my side of the story and I felt falsly accused as an evil person. I have to think that the ones who really know me will know better, but it still feels like your name is tarnished.
If you've left or are considering leaving the "truth", what is the most difficult thing that you must deal with?
For me it was the feeling that if I didn't go back, I'd be bird food. Yet, something told me that I couldn't go back. Maybe this was my one and only experience with the supernatural. LOL!
Well said for myself also.
You hit the main ones for many I think.Especially if you REALLY believed it was the truth and you had no doubts it was the truth. For many ex-es....this has never been the case.
I think it must be the isolation for me. I feel isolated now because I am unable to discuss my thoughts with any of my family. Because noone else in my family has gone out of "the truth" before it's kinda tough to test the water.
I was worried for a few yrs after I left,if I made the right desion.After I really searched and learned about the JW's,I know I made the right desion leaving.Some days...the "what if" was always in the back of my mind.I have mentioned many times before that I didnot have any close family in the JW's so I never felt isolated.Loss of faith....I feel I have more faith now.
For me, it was the initial realization it wasn't the truth. After that, it's been pretty much a down hill slide. Unlike many here, I had no family to shun me, except for the wife and her kids, and that is no big loss. Being single again, is a blessing for me.
Lew W