What Is The Hardest Thing About Leaving The Truth?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    The hardest thing is hearing the lies and rumors being told about me and holding my tongue. One day some names will be named.
    Boy isn't that the truth of the matter.

    I found it hard leaving my son behind in the organization after getting him involved. That's the guilt trip I live with.

  • lv4fer

    Leaving Friends and Family

  • the martyr
    the martyr

    the hardest thing? a feeling of being lost. i said to myself, "now what?" you're thrown into this alien world that you have been sheltered from you're entire life. it was difficult and i believe a suffered a minor breakdown. but it's all good. there comes a point in time when you just have to be yourself. i was no longer a witness, so i didn't feel like living a lie anymore. difficult decision to make, but i wouldn't have it any other way.

    and if they are right and i am going to die at armaggedon, so be it. the opposite would be to live a life that i loathe just to make other people happy.

    if you ever need to talk, please email me at [email protected]

  • new boy
    new boy

    52 Years to have been a watchtower slave.

    But it wasn't the time wasted so much, as the realazation that if I was that adamant about what I believed then, even self righteous.-------- what other thought systems am I in trench in?------- NOW!

    They did most of all my thinking then. Now I'm forced to think about things, make up my own mind, and that takes alot of work. We all want freedom--------who can go back to slavery?

    "Ignorance is 100% curable"-----Jessie Cathill

  • minimus

    Knowing that everything that you learned is mostly untrue leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It's so sad to see the devestation that the WT. leaves behind. Sad to see so many broken promises and shattered lives........Scootergirl, thanx 4 your comment/ EMAN, that was funny!

  • ScoobySnax

    The hardest thing...? I think missing so many good friends since I became inactive, I mean really good mates. I still drift on, busy all the time like at work, and I sort of put things right out of my head when I'm out at pubs and clubs, but really in the back of my mind the Truth is still there I think,and I don't think I'll ever lose it.... and don't think I want to. Forget it you might, all you remember, to me its still there..... don't you feel that nagging/tugging feeling.....?

  • jimbob

    Well, I'd have to agree with most on this, that the hardest thing is losing your family and friends. When you've been in the org for a long time and made lots of friends over the years, it does hurt to have them not want to be friends with you anymore. Guess it kinda shows how superficial and conditional friendships in the org are. But the wife and I have noticed the few friends we've made outside the org are friends with you for who you are....not whether you go to meetings and get in your required field service time...so that is quite a refreshing change. Having family not want to see and talk with you hurts too. They will always try to guilt you into going back. It's amazing to me how the Society says they feel family relationships are so important to them.....I guess they're important as long as you obey the Society. How sad!!

    Edited by - jimbob on 12 November 2002 22:34:0

  • blondie

    I figure this, if you made good friends and was a good friend as a JW, you can do that anywhere. Really good friends are loyal too.

    I am in the process of fading away. The hardest thing is thinking I can do it without people lying behind my back and giving it a nasty spin. Too many JWs think they are judges and actually love doing it. Don't confuse them with the facts.

    The next hardest thing is having the necessary patience. I haven't recovered yet from the circuit assembly and I vow it will be my last. I haven't had the stomach to look at this week's WT to review.

    Blondie (who could never wait for anything)

  • hamptonite21

    I miss my friends terriably

  • minimus

    Blondie, besides the donations being brought up so much, what happened at the assembly that was so different?

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