What would make you come back to the organisation? After the 9-11 events, many were scared of what would happen next, and returned to the meetings. Now that the dust has fallen, in more ways than one, what event in your life would make you reconsider and go back this time for good.
Gone for good?
by JH 42 Replies latest jw friends
Nothing could ever convince me to go back. What would be the purpose in being a part of a lie?
Don't think it will ever get that cold in hell.......
Don't JWs quote the 'dog returning to its vomit' scripture snippet?
After 9/11 all churches and religions had an upsurge in attendance. People were and are finding a new kind of unity.
I think that post 9/11 control groups like the Witnesses will see declines in numbers as people realize that it has nothing to offer them but the illusion that they have some kind of mystical powers like the cults of Baal or the temples of the Greek gods.
Many churches reported attendance increases after the terror attacks of 9/11/2001. JW's were just one of many in that regard.
But if JW's were using this event as another "sign that Armageddon is near", that would have been about the 827th such occurrence (give or take 1000) since the organization started. And of course there will be 500 more similar signs in the next 30 or so years.
But didn't Jesus say the end would come when it was LEAST expected? So if you take his words literally, the terrorist bombings would be an indication that the end is NOT near (because that's when people would raise their apocalyptic expectations). I'll stop now, my head is spinning.
If there was any increase in attendance at the KHs, it has settled back to the old levels or worse. Why the increased "attention" to the inactive if there more attending. There are been many recent disasters up until 9-11 that were more serious in numbers killed. Thousands die every year from malnutrition and that hasn't made the R&F think Armageddon is nigh.
The Bible says that it would come at a time people would think it NOT likely.
Luke 12:39-40 ***
40 Y OU also, keep ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think likely the Son of man is coming."Matthew 24:44 ***
44 On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming. -
I would need a full lobotomy, and someone to walk me into the Hall.
My thought
Why the increased "attention" to the inactive if there more attending.
I was told by a reliable source the "elder police" have been to my house a number of times for shepherding calls but our house either looked like no one was at home or it was deserted. My guess is that it is more likely that that's the excuse they are using to "Mother Organization" for their lack of zeal in going after their perceived lost sheep.
I would need a full lobotomy, and someone to walk me into the Hall.
Very funny.....
That would be the only conceivable way they could ever get me back into one.