it is my opinion and just my opinion, but any girl that gives it up that easy is very very loose, or just plain ole drunk.. while i am a proponent of waiting until marriage, i can deal with a couple gettting it on after they have been together a number of months. And a 28year old living with his MOMMY and broke,,,, sounds like a REAL winner.. you have to remember that RELATIONSHIPS are not about sex(although it enhances it and adds to a good relationship), sex is about sex , especially sex outside of marriage. if someone is ok with the mindset that sex is just an act to have fun for a night or two, they can usually find a way to deal with that by themselves, but trying to build a new relationship filled with love, trust, and respect is hard enought without adding sex into the mix, they are 2 seperate things at that time...
these are just my thoughts and personal opinions, they may help, they may hinder, take what you want or just ingnor the whole stupid paragraph!
ps,,, even i had some serious hotel money at 28