I'm feel very sorry for your people

by oldman10002002 32 Replies latest jw experiences


    hi there old. welcome aboard the 'sinking ark'...........lol. i can't disagree with one thing you said. keep talkin' like that on this site and you'll get no argument from us and you'll make many friends. most of us here have had the same or very similair experiences in the jw org so we understand. of every mistake i've made in my life, the one i regret the most is what my kids missed out on while i was being a 'good sister and putting jehovah first'. i've apologised for that and hope that i can make it up to them. now my kids are going to go to school dances, see more movies, listen to more music, go to birthday parties and play competative sports on saturday mornings. i think that's a good start, what do you think????

    cheers and welcome.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Old Man: THANK you for your words. You are absolutly right. I will NEVER attend another meeting. EVER!!!!!

  • shera
    I know many, many, many witnesses that are only going to the Kingdom Hall, for there everlasting life, and not the love of Jehovah

    Hi and welcome,I agree with you and that quote is sooo true.

  • kelpie

    Looks like he just posted and ran!

    He could have waited around for the reply I think!

    But welcome oldman to the board. I wont say what is the obvious and already been said.

    I will say, read before you type.



  • joannadandy

    *throws up her watchtowers and awakes in dismay and confusion*

    Well now I just don't know what to believe!

  • oldman10002002
  • SpannerintheWorks


    All I see is a little red cross...

    Please try again


  • Prisca


    To post a pic here, you need to upload it onto a site that hosts images, such as www.strike9.com. Go there and you can set up a profile, upload your image, and then post that image here for all to see.

    Welcome to the board.

  • ChakkaConned

    *Oldman, take a look at my life, I'm alot like you*

  • snakecharmer

    hey oldman and co. , welcome to the group

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