ScARY Man.. Michael Jackson
by Country Girl 31 Replies latest social entertainment
Big Tex
Oh I know! What is that thing at the end of his nose? It makes me wonder if the rumors about it caving in are true. Supposedly, as the rumor goes, that's why he wears the surgical mask because there is a cavity/hole where the end of his nose should be. Too bad, I thought he was a good looking guy when he made Off the Wall and Thriller. Now he looks like something that danced behind him in Thriller . . . .
My Gawd, what has he done to his nose? And it looks like scabs or maybe hair under his nose. I knew he's had lots of plastic surgery, but to look like this? he has to be wearing a wig.
scary ugh
OMG! Someone emailed that pic to me!
It would appear that this is an unaltered pic of him.
I feel very sad for this man...that he hated himself that much to grossly disfigure himself.
What is really sad is the fact that he probably altered his appearance to look acceptable or be accepted.
As I have witnessed here, he seems to have accomplished the exact opposite.
The fact is, people will probably always be judgemental so we should just learn to accept ourselves the way we are. Doing things to enhance our appearance is our own choice, but we should never do it to please others because it will probably never be enough.
go go gadget blindfold
I just feel sorry for him; he's obviously got major mental problems and an obsession with plastic surgery. As a person of color, raised in the jw cult, and close to his age, I can understand how he was made to feel about being black in a white man's religion.
I attended predominately white congregations and even though they talked up the wonderful diverse brotherhood, there was a lot of racism and bigotry displayed by the rank and file. Also, as with all their efforts to look mainstream and business like, black brothers were encouraged to look as "white" as possible. I was not allowed to wear "ethnic" hairstyles (didn't want anyone to think Angela Davis was knocking at their door). Sounds like a very minor thing, but it screws up your sense of self and makes you feel like there is something inherently wrong with you.
<---------------- wishes he could have been there for Sabine.