teenyuck, thanks for sharing your story. You make some very valid points. You asked,
Why are women who have children viewed more favorably than women who don't?
Our society has come a long way in many respects in the treatment of women (we no longer wear skirts to our ankles, for instance) but motherhood is still sacred. We all want great mothers, which is very good. But what about women who cannot or do not want to be mothers? I agree with you, that our culture can be pretty hard on them.
Another symptom of our motherhood bias, is the huge stigma that is attached to bad mothers who have their children removed from them. I have had the unfortunate experience of knowing a few of those, and their embarrassment and humiliation is total. It is worse than admitting you have a criminal record. It is a rare woman in that situation who can admit that social services was right. One bad mother I know wasted her children's entire childhood playing tug-of-war with social services, dragging them in and tossing them back in to foster care. She ruined any chance those kids had for growing up in a stable home. Anywhere. Why did she do it? Her pride was hurt.
I wish I had an easy comeback for you to answer the "concerned biddies" waiting for your belly to blossom. How about:
- And when is your next one due? Inquiring minds want to know. I hope you have triplets.
- (For JW MIL) I am Waiting on Jehovah. I am Waiting 'till after Armageddon.
- I had surgery. It left a huge scar. Do you want to see it?
- (For meddling mothers) How many children do you have again? When is the last time you went on a holiday without them? You poor dear. It must be very difficult...