I know this topic gets mentioned a lot, but it still upsets me whenever I think about it. Its so INSANE, and I get so angry that I never questioned it or used my own brain to see the absurdity in it when I was still "in".
What got me started today is the sheer numbers involved. The Dubs believe only they will survive the big A. But not all of them - because those leading double lives etc will be killed as well as the rest of the 6 BILLION people on Earth. So lets say 1 million Dubs are killed and 5 million make it.
These 5 million people will be the only people to have sexual realtionships thru all eternity.!!! The resurrected ones, possibly numbering about 20 BILLION, will all be androgynous asexual drones.
So we have 5 million people living in normal family relationships. And 20 BILLION not!
Will the asexual resurrectees be segregated? Would it not be immodest for asexual males and females to live together? What about married couples who died together before Armageddon? They get resurrected as drones, cannot live together because its immodest. So what do they do? Will there be huge camps of asexual males and likewise huge camps of billions of asexual females?
Could an errant Armageddon survivor rape an asexual resurrectee?
All the while the Armageddon survivors are living like the Elite, reproducing, enjoying normal life.
Well thats just insane. If any Dubs ever visit me again I am going to ask them to explain this..because this sounds like a horror world beyond all description.
JW' are INSANE!!!