You know I am not sure if that statement should be editied , but that is how I feel. Of course it is a topic that makes me feel so helpless. How can God sit and watch that , and not intervene? I don't understand His purpose in waiting so long to end this ,if he is going to. That is why I have lost faith to the degree I have. I know if I had the power I would stop it.
This abuse hits real close home to us,,,,,,,, not family, but a little girl named Heather. She was 5 or 6 yrs old and lived in our neighborhood. She used to ride bikes with my daughter and they played barbies together.
He mother was living with an abusive boyfriend and the family got a little suspious about the girl wearing long sleeves, and other signs,but didnt put it all together until it was too late.
They moved out to the country and it was quiet out there. Heather came back in town with her beautiful long honey colored hair buzzed off , like an army cut. Two days later, she was in a coma at the hospital. She was taken to the LSU Biochemical Reserch Center which is the biggest and most up todate hospital around. When the doctors saw the shape the little girl was in , many got sick at their stomachs and threw up. They cried. THey had to go home. THese were trained seasoned doctors who had seen it all. They said they havent seen a case of child rape and abuse as bad as Heather endured. She passed away a few days later. They had her funeral in our little town and my little girl wanted to see her grave. I didnt want to go to the church , i was still a witness, so we went to the grave site, and saw her little white casket before they buried it. We were the last ones out there and alone for just a few minutes . My daughter cried and wondered why someone let her get hurt so bad. I wondered the same thing. THat is why if someone suspects child abuse they should report it. Heather's family saw things , but didnt really put it together, now they see it all so clear.
So I guess I do get fired up a bit over this kind of thing,,,,,,,, I think rabid dogs, or dogs that viciously attack people should be put to sleep. SHouldnt a person who does this be done the same way.....I think so.