Were You At One Time, A Devout Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Animal, that's a good point about using your skills to fake people out. We have been trained by the best!

  • animal

    I was so good at it as a JW, many were shocked when I split. And my folks were so good at being fake, most people didnt beleive me when I told them about the beatings and abuse we got, even blood family members didnt beleive me.

    A cult of liars, whether they like it or not, is all they are.



    This is so sad. After years of pretending to be a witness. I decided to buckle down and do it right. I was on the fast track being groomed to be a MS. The more I started hanging out with the MS and Elders the more BS I saw. Then I started questioning alot of things then I read COC and my devoutness (if there is such a word) went right out the window.

    So to answer your question. Yes I was devout then I was out.


  • shera

    Out of the 5 yrs I was involved with the JW'S.I was devout(but with constant doubts nagging me alll the time) for 21/2,the rest I was as they say sitting, on the fence.

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