Well, hello, godlike..........please allow me to shorten your name to "like" ok? No offense, but I've grown past thinking that men were god. I like your beginning though.
Congratulations on becoming a dad soon! I live in South Carolina, close by? Glad you came in to browse - stick around, ok, Like?
Hello, Lee
I've already saved your webpage for reading later. I wasn't raised in the org., but have the same type background upon first glance. There are several of us in here with it - well, in reality, we're all over the damned internet. The more of us that speak up - the more seem to speak up. But few have a webpage - thanks for taking the time and energy.
College & university, eh? Canadian to boot? Several Canadians here also - good company. May I ask what your degrees are in? We have several professors here also, of which I am not.
Glad you have your daughters as your family, some haven't been so fortunate. Several here have mothers like yours, btw. Just gives the station of motherhood a bad image - or society just doesn't want to believe we women could act that badly.
Glad you survived and are helping others. And getting married in 5 weeks! WooHoooooo! Congratulations Big Time!
Welcome, again, to all our great New Ones!