awe..........just saw this thread while looking in the Statistics (thanks Simon).........
so many great people!
free your mind, your ass will follow ---your friend bernard
so many great thinkers!
by waiting 205 Replies latest jw experiences
awe..........just saw this thread while looking in the Statistics (thanks Simon).........
so many great people!
free your mind, your ass will follow ---your friend bernard
so many great thinkers!
Hi my name is Old Crow Woman from the land of frozen Tundra. What is Minnie-soda. As Mustang would say. The extention of Canada. It's in Minnie-nowhere as a co-worker would say.
No actually its Minneapolis.
Let see before jw land I was a hippie. A rebel without a cause. No I participated in the anti-war movement. My family thought I went to the farside. Which is where I had been most of my life.
I really was'nt out of character
I was in jw land for 14 yrs. Which my family thought I had gone over the edge. DA'ed my
self and been out for 21 yearsIt's been a rollor coaster ride. In a good way.
I get to smell the flowers.
Anyway I wrote this piece cause I di'dnt want to go into the discertation on abusive matters. Sometimes I just want to skim over issues in life. Maybe as time goes on I will add more to the piece of my life
Hello I'm brummie, I'm new here and an angel to boot....not.
I just wanted to get on waitings thread.
I know a lot of posters on this thread have come & gone - but that shows one truth of a good internet forum.............people come & go as they please.
Particularily for xjw's - this is a fascinating freedom, if we don't like this forum.....go to another. Make your own, watch more tv, whatever.
OCW - we've ALL enjoyed your posts around here - glad you're around.
Brummie, I read that you were from a place called Brum or Brumme? Thus, the name, eh? Wherever you're from - you're a welcomed person around here.....and other forums too.
Thanks for joining in..............
The furry fellow is from Brumajum. Maybe he's an escapee from Dudley Zoo??
Hey, Brum - Do you know Dave Hill?
Fe203, lol, they wouldnt allow me in Dudley Zoo. I do know Dave Hill, I became aquainted with him & his wife during Wolverhampton conventions while working on the car parks. His children had the same hairstyle as his, crooked fringe etc. I havent seen them for years.
Thanks waiting ((( ))))
Have to rush off line