Should America Start Closing the Borders?

by pettygrudger 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Yes. Close the borders and kick all illegal aliens out. And while we're at it, let's kick of few of our own out just for good measure because I'm sick and tired of paying for rift-raf people that work the system negatively instead of letting it help them advance. And worse yet, the law making it possible for every child born in this country to get welfare/food stamps/free medical; hell, you name I guess it's free to just about everyone other than the citizen who believed in the "great American dream" and worked their arse off just to pay untold billions of dollars to anyone coming into this country.

    It's friggen' high time to take measures for ensuring some safety and concern for the American People. And if that means closing down our borders, then I'm all for it. Maybe then those of us who believe in diversity and fairness can get our shit together and stop fighting over every little insignificant bullshit word that they find fault with. Hell, let's begin acting like what we think America stands for instead of welcoming with open arms those who could care less about anything other than what they can get the taxpayers too cough up.

    granny, one pissed off American.

    P.S. Like we in this country are expected to do, let those who come here stay at home and help resolve some of their own strife. I'm not responsible for every Tom Dick Harry that finds it easier to flee rather than fight for their homeland. And then we Americans can delude ourselves that they care about this country??? when they won't even help look after their own????? I'm starting to repeat myself herebecause it's time to shup up.

  • ballistic

    You US guys should see the comotion about imigrants in this country - and we are an island for God's sake!!! LOL

  • Crystal

    What Granny
    Linda said.....very wise and right on target!!! Could'nt have said it better.

  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    Ballistic, it is a real global problem. It seems no government, yet, is being held responsible for their continual dumping of alien's onto a different country. Just what do these government leaders that work in cohoots with each other hope to gain? I have an idea it's just a small indication of what the NWO will produce. Like it or not multiculturism is being forced fed most countries, and people are tired of it.

    I had more respect for diversity before the government's began this tactic. What many of us are seeing is not the able and willing immigant, but the criminal and lazy element. I have upmost respect for any one that can rise above unfortunate circumstances and contribute back to the community. But it just isn't happening from where I sit and hate hearing it is in overdrive in other countries as well. Not surprised or shocked, just reminds me how big a problem this has become.

    It isn't just the American who is being forced into the box. But do you think people from other cultures can unite to fight this NWO that loves our discord and hatred? I have serious doubts about all this multiculturism and how the world will live in peace and harmony.


  • Kingpawn

    MrMoe makes a good point that America wouldn't be where it is without immigration.

    Many times immigrants have "taken" jobs that were there all along but many Americans considered beneath their dignity apparently, because they went unfilled for a long time. Also, some industries (NOT just farming) are arguing for looser immigration rules because they need highly trained/skilled workers they can't find here. High-tech is probably the best example. Is it merely a coincidence that the vast majority of teens and college students here admit to personally cheating or holding a "who cares?" attitude about it when US student scores in math and science are so far behind the world's?

    As far as Mexico...the way to stop immigration from there is to help their government fix their economy. Make it more profitable for the average citizen to stay there. If I can make in half a day what I can in Mexico for a full day, why should I stay there? And if I get caught? I can be deported (and try again) or go to jail (benefits before being repatriated home) (and try again).

    Besides, many of the comments here make it sound like they're taking advantage of us. I'd like to know one race/nationality/ethnic group that hasn't been cheated, abused, treated unjustly, or in some other way screwed by the American Dream after coming here.

    Every person wanting to come here is one more vote in favor of the idea that America is the place to be. If a person trades jobs for one with better pay and benefits do we say he's wrong? Then why should we say that for the person who trades countries?

    It's easy to criticize someone leaving their homeland and not staying to fight their country's problems. But some of those problems aren't solvable by one person's sole efforts. Or they may not have the resources there. Or they may not be attracted to the idea of arrest, torture, and hard labor for two decades or death for speaking out. And what support they get from us, the mouthpeice for the oppressed! After all, after the Chinese ran over the Tianeman Square protestors in 1989, OUR PRESIDENT George the First went to China and (to my knowledge) didn't say a word about those killed or imprisoned. Yep, we believe in human rights all right.

    Yeah Granny, Crystal...easy to say what you did here. Try it when one of your own family could turn you in to the secret police. Maybe you're not afraid of rubber hoses being used on your feet's soles, or being kept awake for a week straight, put in a 14" by 14" cell 24/7 so you can't sit for a week--you sleep leaning your knees against the stone wall, or having "salt water douches" as they're known forced down your throat again and again until you're racked with thirst...and these are the mild "entertainments"! I left off describing some of the more "stimulating" things they do to men and women in prisons.

    I can cut some slack for someone afraid of that. Who's going to work with them? Who can they trust to talk about this with? If they get in a jam, will they sell you out to save their skin?

    Pain just isn't me, or a lot of others living in the real world either.

  • Francois

    NO. America shouldn't start closing our borders.

    We should just close them now and be done with it.

    (That's going to be very hard to do, btw. Look at the Canadian border - several thousand miles of forest. It would take several army divisions to close that border and millions or even billions of dollars.)

  • Robdar

    I am not ready to close our borders yet, (almost, but not quite there) but I do think that we should do something about the illegal aliens. I also think that they should not be given a free ride on the public back. And they should have to learn English as a second language.

  • pettygrudger

    Interesting comments all - I am becoming torn on this. Perhaps it is time to stop more from coming in - we have a great melting pot already.

    Perry - what do you mean regarding following the laws already on the books? Will this stop the 100,000+'s that immigrate to this country every year? My hubby wants to make an across the board ban on all of them, except in cases of political asylum or if they have family already living here. I know alot of other countries do this, perhaps it is time for us too.

    Francois, although illegal aliens are difficult to keep out, if we weren't so busy processing legal immigrants, perhaps there'd be more money in the pot to monitor the illegal ones?

  • blondie
    (That's going to be very hard to do, btw. Look at the Canadian border - several thousand miles of forest. It would take several army divisions to close that border and millions or even billions of dollars.)

    Francois, when I read the title of this topic, that is what first popped into my mind. I travel quite a bit and can see that you don't need to be a super spy to get over the border either in Canada or Mexico.

    It would be better to keep it open and at least control some of those coming in rather than none of those when the border is "closed."

    I remember Timothy McVeigh too and that no border closing would have prevented his act of destruction.

    Blondie (Complicate problems may take complicated solutions)

  • Celia

    eyegirl says :

    . i really thought the government should deport anyone who isn't a citizen.

    Hmmm... then I would have to go back to France too... I am not a US citizen, just a "resident alien with a green card"... and OMG ! Would I have to leave my American husband and son behind ?

    Edited by - Celia on 17 November 2002 14:6:28

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