Help! Neighbor starting a study

by Trotafox 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Trotafox

    I am so furious. The very zealous elderly pioneer sister who lives across the street (Alberta) has been canvassing the neighborhood for studies. I watch her walk up and down the street and being very friendly and helpful with her neighbors (all the while preaching to them I'm sure). Our community is an over 55 community with many widowed elderly people (mostly Jewish or Italian Catholic).

    I just now saw Alberta walk into the neighbor's house (Mary) with a young woman (most likely another sister) accompanied by a little girl about 8 yrs old (the sister's daughter?). They had book bags in hand. They went inside and were there for about a hour. An obvious Bible Study. Mary is a single woman who takes care of her granddaughter frequently. Can you guess what's happening here. Alberta brings along a sister to the Bible Study who just so happens to have a daughter the same age as Mary's granddaughter. I can see the love bombing going on now and the net out! Next will come the meetings and all the "friends?" and all kinds of little people for her granddaughter to play with. I can see it now. All the while filling their heads with twisted scripture and programming.

    What Mary doesn't know that if she allows herself to be sucked into this Organization, she will also be zealous about bringing her granddaughter into it also. If both get baptized and if Mary or the daughter (when she grows up) decide to voluntarily leave the organization, they will be permanently separated from each other forever by this "loving?" organization !

    I'm trying to figure out what to do. I don't know Mary that well but OMG I hate to see this happen. I'm sure she doesn't know about shunning, the blood issue, the UN scandal, or pedophile problems.

    According to my Mother, Mary is friendly with a neighbor across the street (Doris) who my Mother also knows. Doris lost her husband about a year ago and has been depressed which makes her another ripe candidate via Alberta or Mary. So there is a potential of three people's lives being ruined by this damnable organization if Mary succumbs to Alberta's teaching.

    Can I nip this in the bud? Should I speak with Mary myself, as well as Doris across the street? If I give them a copy of "Crisis of Conscience", Alberta may tell her to throw it out. If I print off some Internet stuff, Alberta will tell her to ignore it as apostate material. How about some questions to put to Alberta, e.g., "Is it true that if after I'm baptized and I start to disagree with WT policies somewhere down the line, that I will be disfellowshipped and shunned? and that if my granddaughter is also baptized, she will be required to shun me also?" To tell them about the UN or pedophile problems would be useless because Alberta probably doesn't even know about it and will deny it. If I come across as the "bad" guy, I'll be playing right into Alberta's hands. TALK ABOUT SPIRITUAL WARFARE!

    I don't know if Mary or Doris have the Internet.

    Advice please on a strategy.

    Trot [in a panic]

  • blondie
    I watch her walk up and down the street and being very friendly and helpful with her neighbors
    I don't know Mary that well but OMG I hate to see this happen.
    I'm sure she doesn't know about shunning, the blood issue, the UN scandal, or pedophile problems.

    Well, Trotafox, based on your statements above, I would say that she has shown more outward concern for this neighbor so far.

    She might find it strange that now you are showing so much specific interest in her just because she is talking to Jehovahs witnesses. It is going to be very hard to convince her of the above based on this pioneer sisters current actions towards her.

    I would suggest getting to know your neighbor better and letting her get to know you based on your actions. Then just ask sincere questions about what she is learning and let her do the talking. Then you will know more about what topic to clarify.


  • noidea

    {{Trot}} Just as your neighbor wont be able to absorb all the WT stuff overnight..she will also not be able to absorb all that is wrong with it. I would take it slow. A seed here and there and hopefully she will figure out the rest. You do have the holidays on your side. I'm sure that the woman's granddaughter will be excited about Christmas coming up and it will make them wonder why as suppose to be Christians the JW's don't celebrate it. Many times people study out of loneliness and never become JW's so don't panic.

  • Trotafox

    I would say that she has shown more outward concern for this neighbor so far.

    Well, Blondie, that sure was a judgmental statement, especially, since you don't know any of my circumstances which I'm not going to blab all over this board. There's helping neighbors sincerely and then there's helping neighbors with ulterior motives in mind. Take your judgments somewhere else if you don't mind!

    Noidea : Thank you for the input. She does decorate her house for Halloween, Christmas, etc. It will be interesting to see how she responds to the "no holidays" rule.


    Edited by - Trotafox on 17 November 2002 16:25:13

  • blondie
    Well, Blondie, that sure was a judgmental statement, especially, since you don't know any of my circumstances which I'm not going to blab all over this board.

    Well, Trotafox, all I have to go by is what you supplied. If there is more to this then you shared, I guess I was at a disadvantage. I was just trying to see if from this woman's viewpoint. If this pioneer sister (for whatever reason) has been showing her more attention, it might seem strange if you suddenly started bringing up these heavy duty topics about JWs. I was saying that based on what you shared, it might be good to get to know her even better to find out what topic would be best.


    Edited by - Blondie on 17 November 2002 16:34:10

  • twinkletoes

    Hello Trotafox,

    I can understand your concern for your neighbour, it's a difficult situation, I remember when I was first studying with the witnesses, I was taught that if anyone tried to put me off studying, it was a sign of being "objects of hatred ..." etc. so you will have to tread carefully, I agree with Noidea's plan of campaign ! Perhaps you could manage to slip into a casual conversation, the problem of paedophiles within the witnesses organisation, that should put her on guard, especially with having grandchildren.


  • troucul


    IMO, the bottom line is, let them make their decision. It is their life. I know, personally, I have a very difficult time letting others butt in to my business. After all, that is what dubs do, isn't it? Be a friend to them, that is all. If they ask your opinion, offer it. I know, it hurts to say that, but, in the end, you have to let them live their life.

  • Trotafox

    Thanks, Twinkletoes. Sounds good.

    I was taught that if anyone tried to put me off studying, it was a sign of being "objects of hatred ..." etc. so you will have to tread carefully.
    WT protects themselves from all sides don't they. I really can't stand this Organization. As for Alberta? I know her. Guaranteed the only thing she has in mind is getting a bible study started. Bible studies and Baptisms (into the Organization) are her only goal in life and that's what irritates me. They pray on people. Vulnerability = Opportunity. The poor people have no idea what they are getting into.

    Blondie: Take my advice. Never start a statement off with a judgmental criticism; at least not with me. I had enough judging from the Organization to last a life time. Thank you for your input, however.

    Troucul: IMO that's not necessarily true. If you are in possession of information and/or experience, you owe it to others to share it (that's share it...not shove it down their throat). THEN if they decide to go ahead, that is their decision. My conscience is clear. I could not sleep at night if Mary's granddaughter became a Silentlamb when I had knowledge of the pedophile problem in the Organization and did not share it.


    P.S. Edited for comment to Troucul.

    Edited by - Trotafox on 17 November 2002 18:24:58

  • NewLight2

    That is a tough situation you are in. I think that I would take full advantage of the Holiday Season to get closer to Mary. Firstly, you could either go to her home with a food gift or invite her over to your home for a Holiday Snack somtime soon. Then while the two of you are together, just causually mention that you are sooo thankful to be an exjw at time of the year. Then go on to converse about the "no holidays" as a JW. Let the conversation grow into a life of its own. If handled right, Mary should view you as a valuable source of information. Do not let her know that you know she is studying. Let this be a beginning to a friendship with Mary.


  • Yerusalyim

    Show concern for her with things, LOVE BOMB HER too. Get her a copy of Crisis of Conscience. Ask if you can come over for the study one day and start to ask pointed questions of the sisters, especially about shunning, etc.

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