Thanks, Trotafox, for letting us know how this has come out. I was wondering what had happened. Glad to know that the JW is NOT winning in this case.
by Trotafox 36 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks, Trotafox, for letting us know how this has come out. I was wondering what had happened. Glad to know that the JW is NOT winning in this case.
That goodie basket sounds so lovely, and thoughtful too! Did you enjoy getting to know your neigbours a little better?
Great news, Trotafox! Thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked witnessing!!!! Just joking...honest!
Cheers, Ozzie
Sometimes -- believe it or not folks -- becoming a JW can be a healthy and emotionally satisfying thing for people. Especially those that are old and lonely. With this elderly women's welfare "truly" in mind, it may be best not to meddle, and just let her run her own life as she sees fit. Let her do what makes her happy. Why rain on her parade?
Love is not about changing people or getting them to follow our idea's. It's about freedom. It's about accepting people as they are.
I know I'm going to get heat for this....but oh well.
You sure are, James, from me for a start!
The shunning process that this lady may possibly get caught up in is the most evil of practices, destroying families and teaching, not love, but hate.
You'll need to settle in here James and read the multitude of horrific life experiences that people have lived or are living through. Let there be no doubt, the WTS is an abuser of people.
OK, I've said my piece. Welcome to the board, James. I wish you'd opted for something else to introduce yourself with, but I hope you find this a learning experience.
Cheers, Ozzie
What can I say, yes becoming a JW can be fufilling and healthy it's the distruction that occurs once your dunked that is the problem. The potential for harm is much more than that of the good, kinda like a person taking a walk in a marshy area seems pretty but there is quicksand and sooner or later there will be a mis-step then all is lost.
Secondly: Welcome please read some of the posts of the damage caused by this healthy organization
My goodness. I just checked this thread again. Sorry I didn't see your further responses.
Jgnat: Yes. Putting together the basket was fun. I did something similar last year with just hand-delivered cards but expanded my "territory" to a few more neighbors that I had gotten to know over the past year. I changed the "spiritual food" this year. It's nice getting to know them and learning that there are areas in which you can be of "service" to them. Many are alone and appreciate attention and someone to talk to.
James: Welcome to the board. It turned out that Marie was more interested in trying to find a nice set of friends for her grandaughter. To Alberta's credit, she saw the need and hopped on it (with one motive in mind, however....bringing the granddaughter into the fold ). However, I am glad that Marie was able to find a more suitable Bible study class for her grandaughter without resorting to getting involved with JW's. What Ozzie and Sheila said is true. This could have eventually separated them or at least driven a big, BIG, wedge between them. Marie was not at all impressed with the JW's! Anyway, I was prepared had this not been the case.
Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas....