A Question To All You Women Out There

by SpannerintheWorks 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    I actually kept thinking on this one since my initial reply.

    I'd like to add the following: when my man would kick the cat, dog, or any living creature [okay, bugs, insects and creepy crawlers excluded]. I'd get pissed at him. I'd probably take the victim, and leave, or kick my man out. I really hate it when people lose their temper, but losing it to the degree of physically hurting something/one is just crossing the line.

    If my man simply comes home in a bad mood, well, depend on the man. If he's the kind that wants company, that's what he'll get. Same thing if he'd want solitude.

  • sunshineToo

    Well, I'll give him a gentle hug and kiss. Then ask in a soft voice, "Are you OK? What's wrong? Tell me, baby."

  • pettygrudger

    Kick him out - my kids aren't gonna watch some maniac who can't control his temper!

    And, first I'd kick him where he kicked the cat!

  • Robdar

    I would take the valium and ignore him. He will tell me about his bad day at the office when he ready to tell me. When he is ready to talk, I will listen and supply the appropriate sympathetic responses.


    Edited by - robdar on 19 November 2002 18:0:36

  • imanaliento

    I'd give him a hug and then listen but it's rare that he's ever in a bad mood. I'm the one who would take the valium.

  • Shakita


    I used to hate cats, too. I was always a dog person. We adopted a stray cat last year. This is the sweetest cat. He snuggles up to you and sleeps....so cute! I would tell people that I could never have a cat. Well, after our family dog died this year at 16 years old, we now have a cat to fill that void. I am now an official catlover!

    Oh yea, the question.........ignore him. After he cools down, find out why he is being such a jerk. And, tell him he is being a jerk! Tell him NEVER to kick the cat again or else! Then make him kiss the cat and buy the cat something to make up for being such a jerk.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Bendrr

    Xena, RubyTuesday, and Nilfun.....I think I just fell in love.

    By the way, the thought of kicking a cat or any other pet would never even speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind. Dogs and cats know when you're upset before you even walk in the door and go out of their way to make you feel better. Ok not always cats because they have bad days too, in that case you comfort each other.

    Now if the thread's question were reversed....I've already learned that lesson. Don't ask. Just get my ass in the kitchen, get her a beer, and start dinner. Then once the kids are in bed, well you know what happens then. Just be careful not to put the cuffs on too tight.


  • xenawarrior

    *while Francois is running out the door, I run over to his house, grab his cat and bring it over to Spanner's house and drop it off, cuz if Spanner 
    stays in a bad mood, he'll run out of cats soon*

    Better yet, bring the cat over to Moe's and let her put him to good use!!


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Your partner gets home from work, and he's in a shitty mood. He kicks the cat (twice) and the doors are hanging off their hinges.

    Go find the woman who has her monthly "thing" in a restaurant, get a blue convertible, party down and then drive off a cliff holding hands.

  • Robdar

    Go find the woman who has her monthly "thing" in a restaurant, get a blue convertible, party down and then drive off a cliff holding hands

    That is the funniest response so far. LMAO


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