Woohooo! That's wonderful Lilacs Can't wait to see the pics.
We usually get our tree the day after Thanksgiving; I always buy a live tree because I love the way they smell. The kids and I have a blast decorating it; of course, I let them decorate pretty much however they want, so it doesn't have that 'touch of class', but who cares???
I've been slowly amassing some Xmas decorations for the house...last year, I bought a lighted Snowman, who waves, to put in the front window...he has 3 speeds, slow, medium, and fast. Apparently, a couple of the lights burned out and I didn't realize it until one evening when I drove up after dark...the kids had set him on "fast" and ... well...I sat in the car with my sister and we laughed till we cried coz now Mr. Snowman doesn't look like he's waving, he looks like he's ummmmm errrrr, having a moment with himself . I have no intention now of replacing those burned out bulbs
Dana (who has the only masturbating snow man in the neighborhood).