I just couldn't wait :))

by WildHorses 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • safe4kids

    Woohooo! That's wonderful Lilacs Can't wait to see the pics.

    We usually get our tree the day after Thanksgiving; I always buy a live tree because I love the way they smell. The kids and I have a blast decorating it; of course, I let them decorate pretty much however they want, so it doesn't have that 'touch of class', but who cares???

    I've been slowly amassing some Xmas decorations for the house...last year, I bought a lighted Snowman, who waves, to put in the front window...he has 3 speeds, slow, medium, and fast. Apparently, a couple of the lights burned out and I didn't realize it until one evening when I drove up after dark...the kids had set him on "fast" and ... well...I sat in the car with my sister and we laughed till we cried coz now Mr. Snowman doesn't look like he's waving, he looks like he's ummmmm errrrr, having a moment with himself . I have no intention now of replacing those burned out bulbs

    Dana (who has the only masturbating snow man in the neighborhood).

  • blondie

    Lilacs, try borrowing a camera or renting one. Some rental businesses like A to Z or even libraries rent cameras.


  • Angharad

    LMAO at Dana 's snowman

    Great Lilacs - I think we will be joining you soon, we have bought an artificial one too, its still sitting in the box though. This will be the first year we have a big decorated tree, not just and little thing on the window ledge

    Look forward to pics, we will post some too when ours is up.

    Edited by - angharad on 20 November 2002 7:49:58

  • plmkrzy

    LOL! It seems like everyone is getting an extra early start this year. The lights are up already on my street.

  • safe4kids

    I wanna put lights up too! But my balance isn't so good, and I'm scared to climb around on the second floor roof. I spent last Christmas in bed with the flu', I don't want to spend this year in traction!


  • Shakita

    This is going to be our first Christmas in 25 years!

    Just bought the tree a couple of weeks ago. Here's what it will look like when its done being all decorated! At least I hope so. Sort of rusty in that department!

    We have been buying some decorations, but plan on making alot on our own. We love crafts and my daughter has been making some of her own for the tree.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • WildHorses

    My tree

  • VeniceIT

    WOW that's an AWESOME tree!!!!! great job


  • WildHorses

    I think I should take the picture that is behind the tree down. I didn't even think about it until I saw the this.

    Can't hardly see the angels but they are there. So, what do ya think?

  • WildHorses

    Ven, does it look like something out of the "Little whorehouse" movie? LOL

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