Should I continue to support Bill Bowen?

by Gamaliel 83 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gamaliel

    Cappuccino OC,

    Sorry for not observing protocol by introducing myself. Actually a few of you might know me and might even be able to "vouch" for me if that is also necessary. I had lunch with 4 "silent lambs" at the "Grand Saloon" bar/restaurant in NYC just before silentlambs march on Brooklyn. I had only met one of them prior to that date. That was at my house in 1997 for what some affectionately called an "Aposto-fest." We had about 20 people over on that day. I have been to a few other gatherings of exJWs before and since. It's not that I want anyone using my actual name on here. My own sister might be a bit embarrassed that I've told part of her story, and I didn't get permission first. Although I secretly wish my parents would come on the site. There is plenty here to open their eyes in spite of the bickering.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Francois wrote:

    I wish Bill would drop the Ray thing. I especially wish he wouldn't prostitute his very useful site to further his personal war with Ray. It waters down his entire effort. He should remain focused on his primary mission and let Ray alone. Totally. Using up any space on his site to argue with Ray makes him look like some kinda kook. I wish he'd stop it. Now. Damn.

    I agree.


  • DannyBear

    Sometimes you gotta call a 'kook a kook'. Is there any doubt in anyone's mind anymore, that that is exactly the case.

    The nobility of cause does not preclude kookoo's from participating. Often it is the very nature of kookoo's to gravitate to such agendas. Ever notice the local 'kookoo' preacher standing on the soap box at the local park or corner? They will rant and rave, preaching, gesturing, even when the audience is gone. They are simply kookoo!

    Up to my ass in kookoo on this whole subject!


  • Gamaliel

    nancee park,

    Bill has told the hard truth. So did evidently did Ms Pat Garza when she said Ted Jarasz of the Gov Body molested her when District Overseer in L.A. since he has not denied what she has publicly stated. Is this what you mean?

    I never liked Jaracz, not that I met him personally. He seemed to be about the coldest, stuffiest GB member around back when I was in. On one hand, I hope this wasn't true for the sake of Pat Garza. But then again, if something like this happened, I would hope no statute of limitations or any glitch gets in the way of justice. I admit I find the story amazing, but who knows? Not so many years ago, I wouldn't have believed the UN involvement, Rutherford's problems, or Greenlees and Chitty.

    But no, it's not what I meant in any of my post. Maybe I implied something like it with the expression rumors of wars and wars of rumors. I think to a certain extent I've appreciated the way Bill Bowen has been able to play the media game. I guess "teasers" and "rumors" are par for the course. Also, it takes a lot of motivation to play such a gutsy game, and I don't think Bill would not have much chance of getting noticed otherwise (between terrorist attacks, Afghanistan, Iraq, Stock Market, Martha Stewart, etc.)

    I think the problem with the "media game" method is that the same story works only once, maybe twice, so you better be able to make good -- "fire all of your guns at once." Otherwise, the press doesn't need your story again unless it's even more sensational than the first time. They start treating you like a joke that's been told too many times.

    I think that if I were one of Jaracz' lawyers, I would definitely have told him that remaining silent is the best way for now. There was probably fear of a "feeding frenzy" if Jaracz could have been forced to respond when the Catholics and Bill were both getting press on the same issue at the same time. At that time everyone was looking for a new angle so that their story didn't sound too much like one that had already been done.




    Who are you calling a KOOK??? Would that be BB? I think you need to clarify who your speaking about.

  • DannyBear


    One thing about kook's, you normally don't need to call them such.........they just show everyone that they are.



    You have NO right calling him a KOOK. You probably don't even know him.

    I'm up to MY Ass with people like YOU!!!!!!!!!! Mean spirited, Slanderous scum feeders!!

  • Iwasyoungonce

    I can say that Gamaliel simply stated feelings that I do have over the latest about SL. There has been a lot of changes in attitude and in what I see in the site. That does not mean that the main theme is not to try and help the victims of the abuses as stated in it's charter. I don't believe that anyone is being mislead or that there is any objective than to help people. How can I say anything negative about that. I don't. I say thank you to everyone that has helped this cause. It is a good one. And I have put my money where my mouth is on this. Gamaliel's questions to me, were more on the line of level of involvment; Money, emotion, and time. I have also questions what can I do that is the most effective to help these people. And that is a whole can of worms. The questions are fair and they also speak my heart as well. I believe the victims that say they have been violated. There is little more that I can do. I have no evidence to bring forward to sue over. I believe that the WTBS has willfully abandoned it's own here. But that seems a common practice with this group. I have said my story too many times. I have said my feelings about this group too many times. That this rape and domestic violence goes on anywhere disgusts me. That it is most likly that any victims that live in a Jehovah Witness home stand a very high chance of continual harassment and violation or shunning and who knows what else breaks my heart. And I know it will continue because those that have the power to chance this stituation refuse to change. They are wrong. Will "we" be divided. No. because #1 Witness type unity does not exist here. (Thank God) #2 Real unity does exist here. And that real unity may twist and bend and even crack. But, it will not break. So even though for now I am taxed with the current bantering. Which I am guilty of too. I still support Silentlambs as best I can. I will be doing so finacialy too. I believe in its cause. And I also believe in Bill Bowen and Ray Franz as well. They may not be able to thank each other. But I thank both of them. Thank you guys. Finally, Thank you to the lambs that tell what happened to them. You are brave.

  • DannyBear


    Care to be a little more direct? Feel better about yourself now?

    I know I do.


  • teejay
    teejay -- Gamaliel

    I didn't read it. Just copied it to MS Word. I wanted to know how many words there were....

    Pages............................................. 21
    Characters (no spaces).............49,685
    Characters (with spaces)..........60,131

    Almost 11,000 words, huh? Eleven thousand.


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