Daughter in Pain

by Undecided 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi All,

    My daughter just called and is in bad pain. She had an operation to try and stop it, but the doctor couldn't see any reason for it, other than stress. She hurts in the lower section of the abdomen and rectum. She was crying and thinks maybe she will go to the emergency room. We will have to go up there and watch her kids and drive her to the hospital. My wife is in school right now and should be here in a few minutes.

    Does anyone know of any reason for this pain? She has had sonograms but they showed nothing wrong. I guess she should see a specialist of some sort. It hurts to hear her talk about it when I can do nothing to stop it.

    Ken P.

  • nickpark

    Might it be okay to pack ice on her in that general area? There are discussion forums on the internet where people post such questions and actual doctors or other readers answer. Surf for one. Best to you and her.

  • pettygrudger

    It sounds like it might be irritable bowel syndrome - which is usually stress induced. But make sure this time they do a thorough baria enema - all the way from mouth to rectum. Also make sure they do a colonoscopy too, to search for hidden polyps or lesions.

    & I hope she's feeling better soon.

    ((Undecided & Daughter))

  • DakotaRed

    Ken, I hope your daughter is better soon. Give her and the family my best.

    Lew W

  • Xandria

    Has she seen a specialist ?

    I would also call Dr. Leff of Scottsdale, Az. He is the one of the best specialist around. He specializes in that area of study.


  • Francois

    Recommend she have a colonoscopy asap. Your daughter may have colo-rectal cancer. Slow growing to be sure and easy to cure if caught early. What kind of operation did she have and when? How old is she? Can she get pain meds?

  • gold_morning


    When my daughter was in high school she had numerous episodes of sever pain in the lower adoman. We thought kidney stones or apenixs. It was neither. There was a few emergency room visits and they could never find anything.

    I do not know her age, but my daughters OB found the problem. They found she had an adhesion. A small section of her intestines had an adhesion to her stomach wall. They did a laporoscopy and seperated it and then she was fine.

    agape love gold morning. excuse my spelling

  • Scully

    There are so many possibilities, Ken. It can be something as simple as lactose intolerance, or as complex as endometriosis or IBS.

    It's so hard to know that someone is in pain and there's very little you can do about it. Have her try a hot water bottle on her abdomen for some comfort.

    Keep us posted on how things turn out.

    Love, Scully

  • Undecided

    Thanks for the info. Before my wife got home she called again and said she had taken some strong pain medecine and was a little better and for me not to tell her mother so she wouldn't worry about her tonight. She said she was going to schedule a colonoscopy tomorrow. She had a couple of leasions that the doctor fixed during her operation but it didn't do anything for the pain. The doctor said that the small leasions wouldn't have caused the pain she was having.

    I hope the doctor will do whatever is necessary to find the cause and be able to fix it. She doesn't need this pain with all the other things she has to put up with right now.

    Ken P.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I am so sorry for you and your daughter. My son went through an attack of arthritis earlier this year and there's no more helpless or frustrating feeling knowing your child (whatever their age) is in pain. I can't comment on endometriosis, but I have dealt with IBS for many years now. When it first became active, it was extremely painful in the areas you described. Unfortunately, IBS is not "curable". It is a condition that must be managed. A colonoscopy is outstanding idea. Understand that IBS is a condition that is only diagnosed after other other possibilities are ruled out. If nothing is found, she might want to see a GYN just to rule out that possibility. Good luck.

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