Cats and lawnmowers

by troucul 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    I will confess. I tortured an animal once. I was with my childhood pals, Shea and Justin (too very naughty boys I might add-hee hee!) when we came upon some slugs. We went and got some salt so we could see if they really shrivel up when you pour it on them...

    We salted them good.

    They slowly foamed, but it wasn't enough...emotions ran high, we got caught up in the excitement of it all...*sobs* just wasn't enough...*bites bottom lip* we went and got matches, and set them...we...we set them on fire...the salt wasn't enough! GOOD LORD WHY COULDN'T WE HAVE STOPPED AT THE SALT? WHY DID IT HAVE TO GO SO FAR?

    *goes fetal and rocks back and forth*

  • Reborn2002

    My reprobate cousin used to bury cats up to the neck in the ground and run over them with the lawnmower.

    Maybe I should tie him to a telephone pole and fly an Apache helicopter extremely low to the ground so that the propellers blaring over his head could give him a haircut? See how he likes that shit.

    Sorry, I have no pity for people who unnecessarily and knowingly abuse animals for no reason whatsoever.. especially something small, furry, cuddly, and adorable like most cats.

    In fact, I consider a domesticated cat to be a better friend than most human beings. They do not lie to you, they do not steal, their love is not conditional upon demands, and they do not gossip or slander you.

    If I catch someone doing something like that to an animal, Id beat the fuck out of them.

  • Bendrr

    There have been times when I've killed turtles. They were infesting a friend's fishing pond. So after a beer or twelve we played "sniper", quietly getting into range and then taking out the targets as they climbed onto rocks and stumps. Unfortunately it was a .22 rifle so to be honest at the range we were shooting I think the rounds just bounced off their shells and scared the hell out of the little bait-stealing bastards.


  • maxwell

    Yes this is a funny thread. I tortured a few frogs when I was kid. I dug up many ant hills. is that torture? And a few the rocks I threw at roaming dogs on our property hit their mark. And I really don't feel sorry for those dogs. We lived in a rural area with no rules for keeping your dog in, but I don't think that absolved the owner of reponsibility. Dogs would come over and crap in our yard and turn over our garbage can. If I had my way, I would have poisoned the garbage. I hit and killed a dog once in my car. I feel no remorse for that one or the owner in that case either. This is a 65 mph (sorry don't have metric conversions now) highway. The owner is the more negligent one there. If I had known better and I could have pinpointed the owner, I would have came after the owner for my cost of repairing the bumper on my car.

  • Bendrr

    And for anyone talking about torturing cats, well you're gonna burn in hell for that! God loves cats you know.


  • LyinEyes

    I have never hurt an animal on purpose in my life. I still can't stand to kill a bug, because I don't want to take it's life away....... I seriously try to teach my kids that even an ant or a moth is a living creature. I can't even hook a worm to go fishing, not because it is gross, it just seems way to painful of a way to die. I guess I put myself in the insect or animals place and hope to God some big foot doesnt stomp on me someday.

  • Celia

    Troucul What a horrific subject

    I would never hurt an animal on purpose. I even have a hard time killing spiders or others critters I find in my house. I usually try to catch them in a jar and bring them outdoors. Flies.... yes, I swat flies, in the Fall, when there are thousands of them in my kitchen...

    Edited by - Celia on 20 November 2002 20:10:8

  • DakotaRed

    I can't say I have ever been cruel to any animal. However, I do like playing with my cats with a remote control truck I got for my grandsons, that they sometimes get to play with, if Grandpa isn't busy with it. I'll set it out and watch as the cats come up to smell it and make it lurch forward and see them jump back, hiss and swat it.

    When I vacuum, they scurry away too. I don't where until I get to that room and see them scurry out.

    Although not an animal rights activist, I see no reason to be intentionally cruel to an animal and think that those who are should be dealt with swiftly.

    Lew W

  • shera

    I must add as well,I donot like people being crule to animals....

    What is real funnie with cats is,using a flash light to play with them and watching them chase that around.Hehehehe they can be so sute.I had one cat that played fetch with me...I miss that cat.

  • troucul

    I guess that just demonstrates the difference between boys and girls. Just a rite of passage that girls will never understand. (I know there's going to be a few guys who'll say that they were always above that, so don't bother)

    And Robyn, since you never answered my email, I just assumed that you weren't going to anyway.

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