Cats and lawnmowers

by troucul 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • found

    Well I have to say I have a vengence against flies, swat every one that enters my house. There was an occasion tho that I may have sent an Airdale to his doom when I was about 12 years old. Pettygrudger may remember this story. I had a mutt named Teddy (dog) who was constantly harrased by the neighbors dog Reggie. Reggie would bark nonstop everytime we ventured into our backyard. (He was just on the other side of the wire fence separting the two yards.) He would continually act agressively toward our dog Teddy and his nonstop barking would drive us crazy. One day, I found out he had gotten lose several times and his owners were sick of bailing him out of doggie prison.($100.00 fine at the time) So I let him out of his yard a couple of times and then we never saw Reggie again.

    Kind of feel guilty about that now.

  • Robdar
    And Robyn, since you never answered my email, I just assumed that you weren't going to anyway.


    I was waiting until I had worked out a couple more details of the trip so that I would have a better time frame to give you before I answered your email. Guess I don't have to bother now.


  • bigfloppydog

    Don't like this thread, I love animals, they are defenseless, we should be protecting them, not hurting them.

  • WildHorses

    I have never hurt an animal intentionally but I did run over a gopher once while living in MN. I cried the whole way home.

    My sister, when she was about 5 cut the cats wiskers off and then hid him in the clove compartment because she thought my mom would get mad. The cat suffocated.

    Edited by - Lilacs on 21 November 2002 0:0:48

  • NewSense

    That's an interesting nickname you have, trou-cul. As a matter of fact, I can put a few sentences together "en francais." So, let's see...I know that "trou" is the French word for "hole," and that "cul" means "ass" (in the anatomical sense of rump or buttocks). So, do really mean to say that your nickname is actually "trou de cul" = "asshole"? If so, then I must admit that it's quite an appropriate nickname for such a sick little dipfuck such as yourself. In your opinion, torturing animals is just a boyish "rite de passage"? Did it ever occur to you that the next logical step in this progression may well be the torturing and killing of one's fellow humans? I guess those two little scamps - Ed Gein (rhymes with "mean") and Jeffery Daihmler - were just engaging in a little "rite de passage," huh? You sick fuck. If I ever catch you, or anyone else, torturing an animal, I'll be sure to tear you a second "trou-de-cul."

  • pseudoxristos

    Well, we had a cat. We also had a trashmasher. Luckly the trashmasher had a stop and reverse button on it. We never could get that cat to go in a small box after that. I feel bad about it now.


  • Reborn2002

    If I ever catch you, or anyone else, torturing an animal, I'll be sure to tear you a second "trou-de-cul."

    I agree 100 %

  • NewSense


    The act of torturing animals - performed at *any* age, by *anyone* of either gender - is a nauseating example of sadistic cowardice in its most debased and craven form. It is certainly no more a rite of passage than are murder and rape of one's fellow human beings. Animals are sentient creatures that suffer pain as accutely, or even more accutely, than humans.

  • hurt

    *Covers face with palms*...

    it was sport nailing lizards to walls with stones. We (me and other like-minded kids) would count who killed more lizards. Points were awarded. Nailing a redhead earned you 3 points. Any other's just two. If it died after just a master nail (nail in one) you got two extra points. Maximum five. Sigh. Days of youthful wickedness...

  • Skeptic

    God, and I feel bad for pulling wings off of flies as a child.

    The cat and lawnmower thing, is sick, sick, sick. My mother was ran over four times by a riding lawnmower....I cannot describe the pain she felt.

    Killing animals is one thing. Torturing them is another.


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