How do I get over a broken heart? My daughter, 25 a witness will not let me see my granddaughter anymore and she misses me and I miss her...I have been very ill and this is the worse thing on top of everything...How do you go on living and try to pretend this beautiful little girl dosen't exist?I need some help...Thank you...
Missing my granddaughter
by Nancy K 27 Replies latest jw friends
I wish I had some comfort...a cure...ANYTHING that would help you. Im so sorry you are ill. The Society makes stones of the hearts of their members. Does anyone know if it is possible for grandparents to get court ordered visitation rights? Cant the Society be sued for alienation of affection??? SOMEBODY HELP US!!!
Nancy, I'm so sorry you are suffering this way. I have heard of court ordered visitations for grandparents, so I would definitely talk to a lawyer as soon as you can. I'm sorry you've been ill, and I hope you feel better real soon.
I'd sue for visitation.
(((((((Nancy )))))))
I'm so sorry they are doing this, Lin's sugesstion of talking to a lawyer sounds good. Hope you get to see her soon
Nancy K
I was afraid to come on to the site, my youngest daughter 19, has been on here and showed me some print-outs she made...I want to thank all of you who responded to my question, from the bottom of my heart, because I really am having a tough time dealing with this..I am afraid to "take them on" so to speak, I think of my grandaughter and I don't want to cause more stress for her, plus at the moment I am too ill to even drive..My doctor's are compassionate and say this is tough..I really 'feel' like my heart can't take it..
((((((((((((((Nancy))))))))))))) I'm sorry about your not being able to see your grandchild. I'm alos sorry about your being ill. The stress brought on by not being able to see your grandchild will not help your illness any either.
May I ask, has she stopped your seeing you grandchild because you left teh religion, or becasue she recently joined?
I am sorry about your being ill, and about your daughter not allowing you to see your grandchild. I hope that you get better and everything works out.-CBeMe
Nancy))))))I'm so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time in your life right now. Please hang in there, think good thoughts and get well.
(((((((Nancy))))))) I'm so glad you e-mailed me! Keep reaching out - you'll find a lot of support here.