Missing my granddaughter

by Nancy K 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    I am so sorry for you! Here in Canada there have been lawsuits brought against parents by the grandparents in order to have access to their grandchildren. It had nothing to do with JWs, just acrimonious divorces and bitterness on both sides. I know, though, that if you are not well this probably isn't an option for now, but perhaps when you are feeling better you may think about it. I don't know what the laws are like where you live.

    My thoughts are with you.

  • Robdar
    plus at the moment I am too ill to even drive..

    Nancy, the attorneys that I have worked for are willing to send paralegals to their client's home to sign papers, etc. It looks like you are going to have to fight for the right to see your granddaughter. A simple phone call to a family attorney should get the ball rolling.


  • LB

    Of our 3 grandchildren we only get to see 2. One of them is by a mother that hates my son with all her heart. She married someone else when the baby was just a couple of months old. She is sort of living in a fantasy world right now. All I did was let her know that if she wants someone in her daughters life, that will unconditionaly love her daughter to bring her over. She declined. I will not pursue it. I could sue for visitation but I don't really think that would help anyone. Maybe I'm wrong but that is how I'm doing it.

    Nancy if it is going to be impossible for you to convince her to come over then the only recourse is the court system. That or moving forward and doing things to put your heartache out of your mind. I think you know that time does help to heal. It just takes some time.

  • LyinEyes

    Nancy, it is so sad the way things are for you. I am sorry you have been sick and to add to it this heart break.

    My dad is a JW, and since I am d/a he has nothing to do with me at all. But my children were never baptized and he could talk to them if he wanted to. But he doesnt care at all for them. And that hurts. Thank God, they have my husband's parents as grandparents at least one good set .

    I don't know what to say to make you feel better, this cult JW is evil. There is no way this is what Jesus wanted to be going on in his congregation. They have twisted the scriptures and proved to be nothing but evil.

    I hope you can find a way to see your granddaughter, and maybe your daughter can be reasoned with in time. I know it doesnt help the here and now,,,,, just hope that she see the light before too much time goes by and she regrets what she is doing to you.

    Hugssssssssssssssss, LyinEyes/Dede

  • bittersweet

    LB,it is a little harder for Nancy because she used to be close to her granddaughter.

    Now there is no contact at all.


    Hope things will be looking up soon for you Nancy,with your health and with your granddaughter.Know that lot's of people here are thinking about you!

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Dear LB, What did "I hear voices and they don't like you" mean? Why was that written? Thank you for your reply, Nancy

  • BluesBrother

    I am so sorry to read of your plight . Although I am not a parent , I believe I can sympathise with you..

    Perhaps as time goes by, you daughter will become more reasonable. Dont stop trying to make contact and try to reach the little girl direct , one way or another . A court might give you legal rights , but you really need the co operation and warmth of your family.

    I know the Society have recently toughened up the stance against d/f relatives, if that is the situation in your case. But there will always be personal discretion and opportunity for some choice on your daughters part. I had a sister in our group once who I knew was seeing her d/f daughter and grandson . I decided to turn a blind eye because I could see that she needed the family support. Perhaps in a little while things will relax a bit - if you keep in touch.

    Get well soon

  • LB

    Nancy the "I hear Voices comment is my signature and appears in all my posts. It wasn't directed to you. It's a joke thing.

    We were in our grandaughters life for her first six months and saw her several times a week. Then it was stopped. The only reason I brought that up is because I think I sort of understand where Nancy is coming from. Still I'm a guy, and we don't love the same way women do in my opinion. I know it's much harder on a woman, it's hard on my wife.

  • Nancy K
    Nancy K

    Thank you for your post LB! I have been under way too much stress and have to lighten up! I read your letter to Frank, it was well done...I can't undo the past either, and I believe things happen for a reason, but I wish I had never let these people into my home in the first place..I have tried to be patient and strong, but I have really gotten worn down..I'm so glad there are people like you out there that 'understand' and care...Thank You! Nancy

  • LB

    Nancy I also wish I had never been involved. It honeslty was the biggest mistake I've ever made and I've made my fair share of them. I have no one else to blame. Now my son tells me he is getting all those phoney sympathy comments from the "friends". I hope it just drives him away.

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