I'm confused, why can I see my user name at the topof the posted article ?
Is it because I have a user name at yahoo ?
by William Penwell 25 Replies latest jw friends
I'm confused, why can I see my user name at the topof the posted article ?
Is it because I have a user name at yahoo ?
I think their is a certina amount of stupidity having an event like "Miss World" in a muslim country.
It's not religion in general responsible for this kind of stuff, it's the fanatics that cause all the problems. These absolutely disgusting, pathetic Islam Fundamentalists are worse than all other religions combined. These men are uneducated, backward, pathetic PIGS whose sole purpose in life seems to be repeating "Allah be Praised". None of them have any thinking power beyond killing infidels or even their own people if they do anything beyond what THEY deem suitable. Look what they were chanting in the streets "Down with Beauty!"
These men seem to have a hatred for women that they have learned from both their culture and their relgion.
As far as I'm concerned, I agree with LuckyLady: don't let any more of these people from these insane, backwards countries, into ours.
I don't consider myself a "bleeding heart liberal" or a "red neck right wing wacko" but I have to agree that these fundamental Islam extremists have spoiled it for those ones that would immigrate into the US and contribute to society. US and Canada have got to toughen their stand and make it harder for these ones to come into our countries.
It's not religion in general responsible for this kind of stuff, it's the fanatics that cause all the problems.
While this statement is true in part it is the religion itself that offers a vehicle for these extreme behaviors. The eventuality of any religion that claims to be the one true belief is violence. This kind of stuff doesn't surprise me at all. All abrahamic religions are misogynistic at their core. Everyone knows it was Eves fault for eating the apple first and convincing Adam to do the same by using the power of her evil vagina. ;)
Muslim groups say the pageant promotes sexual promiscuity and indecency.
That is one hell ofa oxymoron statement to make after burning people to death for BEING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD!
Why am I only shocked and not surpprised that there are actually live human specimens on earth that consider this reason? They have to believe in what they are doing and "think" and I use that term lightly, they are correct and justified in their actions. i'll ck for spelling errors later.
Edited by - plmkrzy on 21 November 2002 20:27:27
Consider this, if you were to count all the deaths in the Bible that God caused either by his hand or through his direction, it would amount to over 1 million people.
It is no surprise to see people just living out their religion the best way they know how, just like the Israelites in the Old Testament, and the Christians in the so called 'Dark Ages'. Now it just happens to be the Muslims turn.
God is Great!!
Edited by - salud on 21 November 2002 21:21:43
Edited by - salud on 21 November 2002 21:23:46
Thats is my point. The sooner religion is relegated to the "ash heap" of history the better it will be
for all humankind.Will
It gets worse! Here's tonite's news report:
has offended the conservative sensibilities of many Muslims.
"conservative sensibilities"? !!!!
Oh yeh right, imagine interviewing someone who is commenting on their conservative sensibilities while standing next to a man with a flaming tire around his neck!
excuse me, .............puke
Edited by - plmkrzy on 22 November 2002 13:5:33