Simon wrote:
I think their is a certina amount of stupidity having an event like "Miss World" in a muslim country.
Well, that country is exactly not a Muslim country. It just happens to have a pronounced Muslim
population. And the sort of Muslims who would burn houses and kill people for opinion published
in a newspaper live in a part of that country, the North.
Realist wrote:that is one fucked up part of the world
Mary:These men seem to have a hatred for women that they have learned from both their culture and their relgion. As far as I'm concerned, I agree with LuckyLady: don't let any more of these peoplefrom these insane, backwards countries, into ours.
William Powell: I don't consider myself a "bleeding heart liberal" or a "red neck right wing wacko" but I have to agree that these fundamental Islam extremists have spoiled it for those ones that would immigrate into the US and contribute to society. US and Canada have got to toughen their stand and make it harder for these ones to come into our countries.
Sweeping generalizations. May be there should be some section in immigration forms that asks
questions about religious orientation, perhaps specifically about being fundamentalists, Islam or
Christian, or of some other religion. so a country becomes backward and insane if it has some citizens who are insane are backward in their thinking and actions? Mary, do a little thinking.
LuckyLucy, you want people form that country barred from getting an education in your country? You probably well know how many of the type that wreck havoc would seek an education in your country. And william Powell, please, how could the fundamental Islam extremists have spoiled it for those that may be able to make good cntributions to the US and Canada? You want it to be harder for those that would contribute to society to come into your countries? I'm hopeful the policy makers do not have your mind. They don't, and will see beyond your sort of conclusion.