To Ros, Re. "Ouija Please"

by IslandWoman 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman


    I know of no instance where the casting of lots produced a wrong answer even once,

    Sorry Herk, you said "I know of no instance" so I just thought you had some personal experience about this or at least read something about the personal experience of others.


  • herk


    You're coming across as someone who despises Christianity and anything it stands for. So you spout out anything that might possibly have the appearance of ridicule. Remind me next time not to regard you as someone who makes sense.


  • IslandWoman


    It is because many Christians have no faith in the works of their own forefathers that they become uncomfortable when someone asks about the "casting of lots". The Israelites used the Urim and Thummim, the Apostles used lots. My only point was that these things when used properly and by someone who is approved by God, will work. They will not work though if used to appeal to demons or the dead etc.

    Your spiritual forefathers used a form of approved divination Herk. The difference was that it was sanctioned by God.

    Please believe me, when I seek to ridicule it is very apparent. I was not ridiculing I was trying to seek info and make a point. That is all.


  • herk


    Instead of being such a hypocrite, you should have stated your intentions from the beginning. This thread has nothing to do with the defense or criticism of Christianity, and you know it. All of a sudden I'm your enemy because I thought you were honest and were really inquiring in sincerity. You won't fool me again.


  • IslandWoman


    This thread has nothing to do with the defense or criticism of Christianity, and you know it. All of a sudden I'm your enemy because I thought you were honest and were really inquiring in sincerity. You won't fool me again.

    I never said this thread had anything to do with the "defense or criticism of Christianity!" It had to do with the remark made at Channel C.

    I happen to believe that direct communication with God is possible.

    I am also not a Christian in the accepted use of the term. If that makes me your enemy so be it but that is not my feeling towards you at all!


  • herk


    Now I'm starting to wonder if you even know how to think! Of course you never said anything about Christianity to begin with. It's what you did say in the posts that followed that gave away where you're coming from.

    You even distorted the reason I made the comment about being your enemy. Either you're an enemy or possibly just playing games. From here on, in view of your last post, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and think the latter. But don't be surprised when people get suspicious because you all of a sudden pull the rug out from under them.

    It's hard to know what you believe, IW. First you said, "I believe the same [often giving wrong answers] could be said for the 'casting of lots.'" Now you're saying that "these things [the casting of lots] when used properly and by someone who is approved by God, will work." Which of your two viewpoints is the one you really believe?

    You know you were merely playing a game when you wrote: " They will not work though if used to appeal to demons or the dead etc." It's a game because you know there are no instances - especially "often" instances - where the casting of lots have been used for consultation with demons or the dead. If there are, as you seemed to indicate, then I asked you to inform us. Instead, you made a ridiculous point about my own personal casting of lots, something that nobody does in these modern times.

    You also speak in riddles when you state that you're "not a Christian in the accepted use of the term." Not acceptable to whom? The Catholics? the JWs? the Protestants? The first definition of a Christian that most dictionaries give is: "One who believes or professes or is assumed to believe in Jesus Christ and the truth as taught by him." If that definition doesn't apply to you, then you are not a Christian at all. So again, IW, you are simply playing a game, with yourself as with others.


  • IslandWoman


    It's hard to know what you believe, IW. First you said, "I believe the same [often giving wrong answers] could be said for the 'casting of lots.'" Now you're saying that "these things [the casting of lots] when used properly and by someone who is approved by God, will work." Which of your two viewpoints is the one you really believe?


    Divination will many times give wrong answers. Divination approved by God will not.

    The point Herk, is not to be afraid and to trust in God. Many Christians have been taught to be afraid.

    The Israelites and Apostles were not.


  • herk


    Again I have to say that I wonder if you know how to think.

    We've been discussing the "casting of lots," not divination.

    Games. Games. Games. I hope you're having fun with yourself.


  • COMF

    Settle down, ouija please? I mean, woodja please?

    woodja - a term consisting of the old English word "wood" meaning "wood", and the hebrew word "ja", short for "Jaweh" or "Yahweh". Obviously a reference to a wooden idol.

  • outoftheorg

    Hey now Herk.

    You just went to great lengths explaining to me how I should forgive those who do me damage. Remember?

    You need to do a little forgiving here and not be so nasty.


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