Its an oldie I know.
I remember, years ago, my parents had some people around for dinner that we never talked to. After a while we remembered why we never talked to them. The conversation was so stilted that my father, in a long silence, resorted to this question. "so brother, how did you come into the truth?". Barf.
Myself, the folks joined about the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Some dubbie came to the door quoting "they will beat their swords into shears and their spears into pruning shears"...later, sat around the dinner table with the dubbie that converted my folks, there was talk about the dubbie feeling that he was divinely guided to walk down the lane. Our house was hidden behind a mass of trees at the end of a long narrow lane that appeared to go nowhere except down to a narrow stream.He almost walked on past, but a "little voice" told him to walk down the lane. That dilligent little man just had to be thorough didnt he? so there you go. The long 20 years of misery for your narrator commenced.
After this there may be Bible games, perhaps the one where we start naming Bible characters starting with the letter A