Do you plan to donate your organs when you die?

by LyinEyes 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LyinEyes

    I just saw this movie John Q. with Denzel Washington, and it is a great movie. The subject is about health care or lack of,,, and the need for organ donations.

    I have always felt strongly about this and this movie really made me think about doing something instead of just saying it. I have told my family I want to donate my organs, but I don't have it in writing or on the back of my D.L. I plan on doing this right away.

    My youngest son, was a premmie and they knew he had kidney damage before he was born. We were so afraid his kidneys would not work for him, at the time, and we still worry that since he has damage , will his kidneys do their work until he is an old man?

    I just hope everyone will see that movie and think about what they would do in the event of their death or that of loved ones, on donating organs.

    It is sad but there was a d/f sister who passed away a few weeks ago waiting on a kidney. She died on the day they found a donor that matched her type.

    My son has told me he wants to donate his organs too. We watched a show on TLC about a 16 yr old boy , who was in the best shape of his life, he was a football player, and he was in a bad car wreck. He was braindead. His parents decided for some good to come out of his life, and donated his organs. Four people lived because of that gift of life.That touched my son, because he is a football player too and it was sad that young boy, had to die, but it had a bitter sweet ending, in that others could use what he could not .

    How many would donate their organs when they die?

    Do any of you give blood ?, this is something I am going to do , next time the lifeblood bus comes around.

  • scootergirl

    Yes, Dede, I plan to donate any organs that I can after I die. I also give blood every 3 months and was planning on donating my eggs (I just get rid of them every month anyway and don't want anymore children) but just found out that I am too old for that. My grandmother told me that I am what they call a "spent hen"! LOL

    Donating organs, plasma, blood.....whatever.......I think is the most precious gift that someone can give.

  • Buster

    All signed up. I expect to use them until they're no damn good, but if anyone wants any chunks-o-buster after I'm done with 'em - they're welcome. I

  • Scarlet

    I plan on donating. Why not if I can save anothers life after mine is over at least I have left the world doing something good for someone else.

  • DakotaRed

    In Washington State, they ask you if you would be an organ donor when you get your drivers license. Mine has been stamped for over 20 years now. The thought that my death could bring another life makes me feel real good all over.

    Lew W

  • joannadandy

    Yup, says they can harvest me right on my drivers licence

  • Princess

    My first driver's license renewal after leaving the dubs I made sure to sign up as a donor. Steve did too.

  • Prisca

    I have it marked on my drivers licence that I am willing to donate my organs in the event of my death.

    I've told my JW sister too that this is my wish. Although the laws of this land state that she (or my JW father) can over-ride my decision. It doesn't really worry me either way.

    I have not given blood yet - when I do, it will be a major step in my journey out of Borgdom.

  • LB

    Yep I filled out the donor card at the DMV. But I'm thinking I've nearly worn them out already.

  • WildHorses

    I'm a donar too. Let's just hope what's left of me when I'm gone is worth using. lol

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