No, life isnt fair. There are no answers. There are unwanted babies being aborted, or given up for adoption while at the same time there are families who are unable to have children of their own. On a plus side some who cant have children are able to adopt unwanted children and raise them in happy homes where they are cared for and wanted.
Disease takes the lives of those who want to live yet some choose to terminate their own lives through suicide because they cant deal with lifes pain. It is unfair that some dont have that choice to go on living because they arent given that choice. Disease does not discriminate. Sometimes lifes choices result in this, but many times it does not. It doesnt discriminate against those it leaves behind to mourn that loss. It is just a part of life. Our choice is how we are to deal with life. To give up or to make the best of things and appreciate what you have while you have it. One day at a time. Good days and bad days. Take the time to make it a good day for those you love.