Not Fair

by myself 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • myself

    ((((xenawarrior))))Thank you too!

  • LyinEyes

    (((((((Myself and Noidea))))))))))))) so very sorry to hear about your mother. Just never lose hope. I know it sometimes seems like not enough but at other times it will make you strong. And that will make your mother strong. I am sure that will comfort her, that her daughters are strong .

    I watch alot of TLC and Discovery Health channel and there are so many stories of people who were givien less time to live and lived for many many more years after they were told. The doctors can't always explain things, they say a person's will has alot to do with it. Doctors even admit that prayer and strong family , friends support make a huge difference.

    We were told our unborn baby would die a few minutes after he was born,,,,, if he made it that long. We were told to prepare for arrangements. I had the best doctors, specialist in every field that pertained to his many health problems. They told me ,,,,,,, there is not alot of hope, but there is some hope, and there is always a chance. We decided to name him Robert Chance. Chance did take his first breath,,,,,,, and 8 yrs later he is strong and defied everything medical science said was impossible. They even called him the miracle baby. It was a hard road,, but he was a fighter. So Chance lived up to his name,. if he would have been a girl , we were going to call her Hope or Faith.

    Chance and Hope are very strong words. Believe in them.

  • Cowboy

    ((((((((((myself,noidea and family))))))))))

    My heart goes out to you all.I understand all too well,as my mother is dying,too.No life's not fair,all we can do is make the best of the time we have.

    If either of you want to talk,my e-mail's open.


  • Jesika

    I read this earlier when noone had posted to it yet, and I was confused as to why it was posted. So I decided to wait and see what inspired someone to write this.

    Now that I understand where it is coming from, I send you and your family a big hug and to let you know you are all in my thoughts.

    Making everyday count is a good idea, and you are right when you said some don't get that chance.

    I am sorry this has happened to your family, and hope and wish for the best for you all.


  • WildHorses

    (((((((((((((((((((Myself& Noidea)))))))))))))))))))

    I am so sorry to hear about your mom. You are right that it is a painful cancer. My grandmother Anderson died of pancreatic cancer. She didn't even tell us about it until just a couple of months before she died. She didn't want us to worry.

  • Prisca

    (((((((myself))))) and ((((((noidea))))))

    Sending positive thoughts your way. May your mother find the strength to face the battle in front of her.

    (((((((cowboy))))) My email's always open to you, my friend.

  • gold_morning


    I am sorry to hear about you mother. I remember my father's death a few years ago and the pain is still fresh.

    Have you heard of essex tea? Do a search on it. I was amazed at the clinical trials on this tea. They had a certain number of people dying of cancers and as a last resort they used the tea. I remember reading there was like 40 people dying of bladder cancer and were about to have their bladders removed. They were given the essex tea and the vast majority of them were cured of the cancer.

    They used it on aids patients that had no hope and many of them had a hudge turn around. I cannot remember all the cancers that the study contained. It was not a guru study, but a real medical study. The tea tastes a little bitter, like burdock root. I really recommend reading up on this tea. It can be ordered thru most health food GNC.

    Try to stay positive. I do not know if you are a spiritual person. Don't blame God. Right now this world belongs to satan. He is the god here. Jesus is not ruling here yet. Remember when satan was tempting Jesus and he offered him the world if he would do an act of worship to him? He was able to offer it because it was his to give. Satan has us just where he wants us. Blaming God for the things that he has caused to God's creation.

    We don't die, myself!! John 8:51..."Who ever keeps my word will NEVER see death." (this is Jesus words)

    John 11:26...."whoever lives and believes in me will NEVER die."

    1John 5:12..."He who HAS the son HAS life....." (notice "has" present tense)

    2 Corinthians 5:8...."I say, we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord"

    Philippians 1:23....."I desire to depart and be with Christ."

    Acts 7:59..."Stephan prayed."Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."

    Matthew 10:28.." Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but CANNOT KILL THE SOUL."

    The soul IS seperate...1 Thess 5:23 says spirit, soul and body. All distint. There is many more scriptures... too numerous to wirte here.

    It was the most marvelous thing to learn that death does not really exist. The spirit goes on living in a different form more appropriate to what we will need.

    If you need to talk, myself, feel free to e-mail me.

    lots of agape love gold_morning

  • LovesDubs

    Im so sorry to hear about your moms illness. I still believe some day we will come up for a cure to these horrible diseases. In the meantime, her attitude will make all the difference. Even if the tea doesnt clinically do anything to cause remission, her believing it will, will help her extend her life. I cannot imagine having to face my own death. I dont know what is worse, dying suddenly and not being able to say goodbye or watching someone dye over a long time...neither option is good. Im 48 years old and I still have a 7 year old, so I have to stick around a long long time yet.

    Hugs to you all.

  • DakotaRed

    (((Myself, Noidea and family)))

    What a wonderful reminder of how precious the gift of life is and how we can lose it. Although my parents and I drifted far apart, it is still a shock to lose them. My Dad died in 1980 of a massive heart attack, just fell over dead. My Mom died just last year. I'll always regret that my efforts to patch things up were not reciprocal.

    I have no advice or words of wisdom to share, but echo your sentiments of taking time to enjoy life each day and enjoy whatever time you have left with your Mom as much as possible. Good or bad, right or wrong, our parents gave us life and deserve our comforts towards the end of theirs.

    Thank you for a touching reminder of how precious a gift they gave us.

    Lew W

  • Mulan

    It is called Essiac Tea. Just a correction, so you can find it.

    My cousin, Sharon, died last year after a 2 and half year battle with breast cancer. For the first six months, she used only herbs and Essiac Tea to try and beat it. It didn't help, and she had to go to an oncologist. The cancer was coming through to the skin.

    She continued to use alternative things, with her oncologist's blessing, along WITH the chemotherapy and some radiation. Everyone feels that is why she remained in such good health for so long. She only lost 20 pounds. She was terminal from when she finally went to the oncologist, and they all knew it, but weren't clear with us on that one. If it reaches the brain, there is not much they can do. Sharon's body was very healthy, if it weren't for the cancer. The hospice people were amazed how well she looked when we had to bring them in finally. They said she didn't look at all like a cancer patient.

    If I had it to do over again, I would have tried harder to talk her into surgery in the beginning. She lost her life because of the six months she tried to beat it with alternatives.

    I would never recommend a terminal cancer patient to go through the chemo and gamma knife procedures. She suffered too much and it only prolonged her life by a few months. The quality of life was terrible.

    So what I am trying to say here, is that alternatives are fine if you use them to treat the symptoms of chemo and radiation. Don't get your hopes up too high for a cure. Cancer is a terrible enemy.

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