Hi Guys
I actually have had dealings with Rod and found him to be a very reasonable and "non-robotic" man in the past.
I know it should not surprise me, but I was disappointed to hear his lies and half-truths.
They know their stuff and are not easily led, but he tried to lead the Royal Commission to believe that 2 people could be involved in investigating a claim - which is wrong.
His lack of memory on what parts of the judicial process are biblical - hello - NONE are. There are no scriptures that backup the use of 3 men, a body of elders, cutting people off from family and friends, restrictions, etc.
He also lied about the GB being involved in policy creation and changes.
His statement that in ALL cases, elders are told to inform parents that they can go to the authorities and get the full support of the congregation is not verifiable. I asked some of the elders I know and they were not under that impression at all.
At least they are exposing at the higher levels that they are not Christ's brothers.
It would be great to have in that commission a person well versed in scripture to debunk their twisted reasonings.