Watch Tower Roots:

by blackguard 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • blackguard

    Hi guys; Pope: After the WTC-911 incident many "mature" observers were surprised to learn what some "crazies" had stated privately, namely, that a secret unelected federal government of the US is in place and poised to assume control. It's known discreetly as the Continuity Of Government (COG) scheme. No amount of evidence will sway the "mature" majority here on this forum on any issue at variance with vox populi: The problem of denial is ubiquitous and may be summed up best by DeTocqueville, "People prefer to believe a simple lie than a complex truth". And the truth about the Watcher's Tower definitely aint simple. (There is more to this story than presented above). Saint: Some documentation exists about Conley, but more should be made available if the coporate affairs of the Watcher Corporation gets to be fully aired.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Blackguard, repaeating an earlier request, have you ever read Zelazneys "Jack Of Shadows"? Its main character Jack rules a kingdom called Shadowguard.


  • cookie


    After leaving the WT and seeing the similarities with other American made religions,one had to wonder if there was a common thread connecting them in the background. (doctines may have differed, but corporate structure appeared like fraternal septuplets)

    The ugly spirit of fascism appears to be raising its head and flaunting its feathers like a proud peacock lately. And from one who had no problem (in the past) believing in an invisible wicked spirit realm,I have no problem with the suspicion that there is something in the background moving this powerful machine center stage. What exactly it is,I don't know. (masonry?perhaps)

    I once read somewhere of the priciple of "Indira's Spear" ;and couldn't help but wonder as things progress ,if that principle is not at work with Abraham's seed. (Isaac AND Ishmael)

    From what I recall, that principle meant that one entitity (X) creates friction between two other entities (Y and Z). ( X )sits back while (Y&Z) destroy each other. ( X) doesn't have to lift a finger in battle but " wins" when (Y&Z) destroy each other.

    ( X) can then collect all the spoils.

    You mention the injustices perpetrated upon certain Semites, could I ask you where one can find information about this? I am very curious about the subject of ideological fratricide.

    If (Y)succeeds in oppressing, pummeling and destroying (Z) then the world will likely turn its attention and prevail against (Y) ; (in theory) (X) wins.

    I keep wondering ,who stands to benefit if Abraham's seed is destroyed?

    As a side point: the anti-semitism that has resulted from injustices on both sides,is very threatening to the Semites who are not in agreement with all of the carnage. This remnant( that is cut from the same cloth) is the recipient of consequences that are unjustly applied to them.

    If I were a Jew or an Arab,it would devastate me to be judged by my militant brothers' conduct. It's for that reason I am uncomfortable with some of the heated rhetoric that has occurred on this board.

    There are Jews, right now, who are excercising their conscience by NOT oppressing their Arab cousins ; And there are Arabs who are doing the same.These people are suffering serious consequences as a result. Should they also suffer the consequences of world hatred for something they also despise?

    Perhaps it would be best if people separated the nationality from ideology.


  • cookie

    I don't want to hijack your thread ,Blackguard,but I post this to back up my suggestion that not everyone who is of the same nationality, race, (or even ideology) can be "painted with the same brush"

    Israeli draft resisters young people of military age who decline army service on moral and/or political

    grounds - are being sentenced to repeated imprisonment in a systematic effort by army authorities to

    break their spirits.

    As of Nov. 2 4 2002 :

    Jonathan Ben-Artzi has been sentenced for the fifth time in a row, to a term of 28 days, making a total

    of 126 days in jail .

    A Hebrew University student of physics & mathematics, Yoni is a pacifist, and refuses to serve in the

    army for reasons of non-violence. He applied to the "conscience committee" for exemption but was

    turned down. He then applied to the Supreme Court, which sent him back, for the third time to the

    committee. Again, his objections were denied, and he applied again to the Court, but the judges

    declined to intervene .

    Other draft resisters :

    Uri Yaakobi has been sentenced 5 times to a total of 105 days. Uri is one of nearly 300 signatories of the "High School Seniors' Letter", in which youngsters shortly to be conscripted for army service placed Prime Minister Sharon on notice that they would take no part in the oppression of the Palestinian people .

    Dror Boimel has received 4 sentences totalling 91 days; Dror too is a signatory of the Seniors' Letter .

    Yoni Yehezkiel, yet another signatory, has just received a 4th sentence, bringing him to a total of 84 days .

    Haggai Matar has received 2 sentences totalling 42 days. Haggai is among the moving spirits behind the Seniors' Letter .

    Each of the above, like other draft resisters expected to face sentencing shortly, is motivated by his own personal beliefs. Whether or not we share their views, we find it intolerable that military courts subject them to this systematic ill-treatment merely because they act on their principles, while the self-same military justice system exhibits boundless leniency towards Israeli settlers in the occupied territories who commit crimes of physical violence against Palestinians, and IDF soldiers who kill or injure innocent civilians .


    Please join our petition belo w - " The Seniors' Letter" 284 signatories


    We the undersigned :

    Protest at the unfair treatment of IDF draft resisters ;

    Call for an end to repeat jail sentences on the identical charge ;

    Demand the immediate release of all jailed resisters ;

    Urge the authorities to make adequate provision for inductees who refuse to enlist on grounds of Principle .

    To sign the petition please go to the following link

    We plan to publish the petition as a paid advertisement. Contributions should be sent to:

    Yesh Gvul PO Box 6953, Jerusalem 91068 Israel

    Please specify that the money is for the petition.

    Letters of protest can be sent to the addresses in the attached file.

    Peretz Kidron ◊ Ram Rahat-Goodman

  • sf

    "...but more should be made available if the coporate affairs of the Watcher Corporation gets to be fully aired."

    Please, let's have 'it'.

    As you see, my address is not opened. Can you post anything publically and/ or can you pm me in yahoo with keywords for searches? How about you give me some keywords now to 'play' with?

    Thank you.


  • blackguard

    Hi again guys; Pope: forgive me but not only have I not read it, but I've not heard of it. Tell me more about it, please. Cookie: the answer to your question(s) lies more in how the world is structured and not in the theatre of illusion that we're confronted with every day in media images and conventional history. A US Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Rubenstein once wrote an account of his horrible ordeal after he married a Sephardic Israeli Jewess; he lifted the veil on Israel's real political, social and economic state. I saw his story recently on a website article, but I'd have to locate it now. sf: my reference has more to do with my awareness of the efforts of others to expose the Watcher corp, not my own; forgive me if I gave a misimpression.Oh Cookie--try Dr.Henry Makow's works on He may have Rubenstein's article , but I know he has written similarly as a Christianized Jew.

  • link


    Many thanks for your post. I get the feeling that I have read much of it somewhere before, have you posted it elsewhere?

    Also could you give your definition of the words ILLUMINISM and ILLUMINIST as they appear quite often in your essay. I do of course understand the dictionary definition but your use of these terms feels a little unusual. Perhaps you are using them in a different way.

    Thanks in advance for clearing these points up.


  • sf


    I posted this thread long ago. It contains a 'wealth' of 'luminations'.

    Seriously, have a peek:

  • blackguard

    Hi link; To answer your question completely takes me down I path I don't wish to pursue for the reason that others here have fairly accurately painted a picture of a different world structure. "Illuminism/Illuminist" as I employ it does not refer to the original Bavarian Illuminati which Adam Weishaupt was commissioned to construct. If the Watch Tower corporation, for example, today changed its name to say, Khazar corporation, nothing in its make-up changes: The people who run it and its policies and philosophies remain the same. So it is with the Illuminati. I don't think it exists by this name today, but Illuminism, the people, philosophies and policies are implemented under other names and guises. John Coleman calls the secret global government The Committee of 300. If you wish, these people are Illuminati. But they are not the smaller controlling core of Satanists who go by another identity. The Watcher corporation is subject to The 300. The 300 have other names such as Moriah Conquering Winds, Bilderbergers, The Order, they share mutual membership in other groups like NATO, Club of Rome, and the UN, Illuminism stems from an occultic 'Jewish' movement, Haskalah. It was grafted into FreeMasonry. Notwithstanding Weishaupt's role as Spartacus, the players in the original Illuminati were not its actual creators. King Edward VII did not have to belong to any lower degrees to become a FreeMason Grand Master in Britian after his induction by his Danish cousin. So it is with certain other individuals; they are accorded degrees without going up the ladder: at the higher levels it's a veritable old boys club. Individuals with unusual abilities are invited to join any one of the various groups. Russell, in all probability, was never a Blue Mason, or someone of the ignorant masses that was represented by the wider base of his pyramid. He was higher up, closer to the "eye of Isis" and as such was an Illuminist/FreeMason. These occultists frequently employ the double-speak of metaphysical mumbo-jumbo or language deconstruction. I'm sorry---I've gone off on a tangent that I preferred not to.

  • PopeOfEruke

    Blackguard, this stuff is giving me the creeps!!!

    Jack of Shadows - I can't really describe it, but its a wonderful book which works on many levels. Its pretty hard to get a copy of it now.....


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