Royal Commission live streamingstarting soon!
by possum 236 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I cannot believe how ignorant the elders are on their own teachings. The elder Rooy was stumped when questioned about why JWs don't stone adulterers since this is in Deuteronomy, along with the 2 witness rule. Rooy did not seem to understand what the point was. The correct Watchtower answer is that whilst the Mosaic law was done away by the Ransom sacrifice, at Matthew 18 Jesus reiterated the two witness rule. -
Damn the Judge pulls out the "silver sword"
deRooy: We are not under the Mosaic Law. We are under the law of Christ.
LOL And yet isn't the 2-witness rule part of Mosaic Law????
jwfacts wrote: The correct Watchtower answer is that whilst the Mosaic law was done away by the Ransom sacrifice, at Matthew 18 Jesus reiterated the two witness rule.
OOPS! It seems I'm rusty on my JW doctrine...!
cha ching
Back on -
cha ching
Well someone taught this guy something... My husband & I were just talking about this... If De Roy knew his Bible, he'd have not brought up the Hebrew scriptures, (Deut 19, 2 witnesses) as the Greek scriptures also call for 2 witnesses and also replace the Mosaic law...
Someone coached him.
Breaking News: Jesus makes a statement " I have never met these douchebags"
Satan says "JWs - I am a big fan of their work"
The witnesses think that no part of the world means no accountability. Many persons in community are mandatory reporters of child abuse eg, nurses, teachers (regardless color or creed) as a normal and responsible way to protect children in a community. In Australia would be interesting to know the exact figures of witness who collect disability( lots of very damaged people in that org), pay no taxes, don't vote, don't donate blood (yet take fractions) and yet demand the right to conduct their own kangaroo courts! -
These answers are almost farcical, each of the questions should be prefaced by "riddle me this...." -
Angus asked after deRooy stated that he had only just briefly glanced at the transcripts and documents last night: [paraphrased] Is there a particular reason why you did not look at the documents presented to you for this commission in further detail?
deRooy: [quote] Ummmmm... I suppose... Time.
Angus: [paraphrased] OK You would have saved us all alot of time if you had.
Dufus deRooy and his bumbling blokes (those other elders on the stand).
cha ching
DeRooy is now being asked about procedures for reinstatement for someone with child molestation, and it says de Roy was concerned about the relationship BCH had with the other woman.
Angus is pointing out from the letter that because his wife wanted him home, the elders told him he should go back home, w/o regard for the two daughters, and that there does not seem to be any mention of child abuse, therefore, it was of not as much concern as the adultery.