As I have mentioned privately to others who are here, these proceedings are like crack for me! it's like watching for who killed JR in the 70's. ( Who remembers that show?) I am losing way too much sleep. But I can't help myself. I keep falling asleep during the proceedings then anxiously awaiting the uploads to youtube to catch up.
The depth of research and accurate knowladge ( shivers) this commission has on the inner workings of the JW is absolutely incredible. The slow smooth, polite, disarming, deliberate delivery of Mr Stewart and the justice especially are so exceptional, so brilliant! So much can be learned by others who wish to become a lawyer or really, with anything in life, when questioning to get the truth out of people.
This is so outstanding. I wish there were more out there like this commission in the legal field. The homework detail is so precise. The ability to calculate when to go in for the "killer" questions after patiently questioning and not arguing, just asking polity, allowing the silences and non answers for a while.
I can't express adequately the excitement I feel when listening to these unequaled in my mind, experts in their field. They have surpassed even my favorite "bulldog" of a lawyer in the US congress Trey Gowdy. The unassuming mannerisms, quiet, non excitable speech allowing the bombshells to drop when appropriate, but even then without raised voices or emotion, just facts that can not be disputed leaving the defendants speechless, dumbfounded, scrambling sometimes with non-related rambling , and I am pretty sure sure self-questioning much about themselves. It is something to behold.