Embarrassing moments on stage

by freedom96 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo

    One time, I had a part on stage with the my family. I unfortunately tuned out during my dad's part of the script, and when it was my turn to reply to a question he asked me, I didn't know where we were in the script, and said my lines that were supposed to be at the end of the demo.

    Another time, speaking of giggle fits, we had a small "drama" of Samuel hearing the call of Jehovah in the night when he was a child. So, for the voice of Jehovah, we had a bro. offstage booming into the microphone "DAVID!". Except, he blew his line, and shouted "JEHOVAH!". Huge gales of laughter.

    Another time, a sister, explaining that God wants his worshipers to be actively working, said "To Jehovah, it doesn't matter what we don't do, but what we do do!" (doo-doo) Me and my brother could not quit giggling for some minutes afterwards. (And everytime I watch "Young Frankenstein", Madeleine Khan has a similar line that makes me think of that nite.)

  • onacruse

    OK, well, this is not EXACTLY an onstage thing, but anyway...

    Jan Utting and I were in our late teens, and we tag-teamed on the PA amplifier. Sam Griffin was giving a Distraction talk, and part of his theme was "how to handle disruptions from the audience." He had Jan and I set to interrupt his talk on cue and yell out various epithets from the audience ("cowards", "Commie pinkos" etc).

    Absolutely NObody knew about this except us three guys, and when Jan and I started yelling, our folks's jaws...well, you could hear the bounce on the floor!

    Embarrassing for them, but NOT for us...we were the toast of the cong that night! LOL


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