Mulan, thankyou for bringing up this subject. Gawd parents of these children feel so very alone and we often are.
I am constantly in a battle with our small town school and we have made some great changes for future situations but it has cost me dearly. Inability to keep the same job due to the constant battles and needs for my son. I am now again in a battle. It got heated last friday and concluded today. Just a battle, not a war. This one is hard to win. It's with the high school now and all they are interested in is football stars, not odd balls like my son.
I have cried before I've gone to bed for the last several days and have woke up twice crying at 6 in the morning. Honestly, I am not a cryer. It just gets to be so draining and tiring. I've basically been schooling him at home, the school does nothing. He is still failing miserably and we may have to involve the state capital me, I am not loved in this town.
I am a very non confrontational person by nature but I have had to find the lioness in myself to stand up for my son. There are always always always the teachers that say "Oh yes, Asperger's Sydrome, I know all about that. Read about it in People Magazine." Oh, I'm sure they are fully informed! ha ha. Now I can say with all seriousness, "I know far more than you do. I live with it" I make them listen. Anyway, I was comforted just reading that thread because it is an issue I deal with daily. My son also suffers a great deal from Tourettes Syndrome on top of it all. He's been bullied so badly that the school has had to escort him to the bus and wait for him to show up at school to protect him from some kids. We got that taken care of....for now. Isn't it funny how they call me instantly to explain why he's been given the harsh penalty for his "tantrum" when leniency has been repeatedly shown to those who have harrassed him? That one involved The state capital of administrations of schools I tell ya that much! Gawd I was livid! Grr, sorry sorry. It's a sore spot here today. Thank you again.