another post on Asperger's Syndrome

by terabletera 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • terabletera

    I am glad to know that he has someone in his life Mulan. Most AS people do not. Well it depends on their range on the autism spectrum. For those that do get married, they often uncle! Many many times divorced. AS if I ever saw it. Failed in school, dropped out. Went back ages later and ended up graduating from UCLA with honors. Married again and just fathered his very first child, he is 51. He could do the entire script from the holy grail, actions and accents and all.

    My son is still young. Girls follow him around when we go to the mall. He had NO idea. I'm thinking someone will talk him in to love one day. Whether or not they'll keep him, I really don't think about right now.

  • Mulan

    I guess Dan lucked out and found a girl just like himself. They seem to be a good match, and she comes from a very good, loving family. The father is a minister (groan). So far they leave us alone, in the religion department. I think her father senses his preaching would fall on deaf ears.

    They are really nice people though. They think Dan is the best thing to happen to their family in ages. We all agree with that one.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    My son, to this day, will go on and on and on and on, about a movie or a TV show or a book he's read. He remembers the dialog word for word, and will correct you if you make the slightest mistake in repeating a movie scene, yourself. He is oblivious to everyone else's boredom with the subject matter he chooses.

    I got a laugh out of that. When my son was about four years old he would repeat (word perfect) scenes from television documentaries that he had seen the year before - when he was a small child some old friends were perplexed at how he remembered some details of their life because they hadn't even been over for about a year or two - yet he can't remember to take his hat to school.

    Our teenage son has Asperges. We knew he was different all his life. It's thought that autism in general may be caused by brain growth/development that is too quick, and I must say, this certainly fits with his development, even in the womb.

    We are fortunate with the care and consideration he has received - which has allowed him to 'hold water' at school. We wanted to keep him back before first grade, but the education dept. said he should go to grade 1 - after he kept standing on his head at the teachers desk for the first week they relented and agreed with us. My wife always laughed at how in primary school, at the beginning of the school year, some parents would try to see that their child was sitting up the front, but she didn't ever worry about that sort of thing - we knew the teacher would be putting him up front in no time. lol

    He has received considerable one on one help both in class and in another classroom/unit specially for such children - hence he is able to 'keep up with the program'.

    Now he is at secondary school, catholic school, and there has money granted to the school for him, from the government, for additional teacher hours. The catholic school gives money for the transport assistance of children with difficuties also, but in his case, or rather ours, it seems unnecessary now. There is a room where he can always go where there are other children with similar and/or other difficulties (eg. Downe's), and there they do extra classes in not just maths and so on, but cooking and social skills - trips to the shop w/money etc.

    He is so innocent for his age it can make me cry. They are so blessed those kids.


  • Mum

    Mulan, thanks for the posts on Asperger's Syndrome. I had never heard of it until you posted your first thread about it. I now have a name to go with the mostly apt description of myself as a young person.

    My mother recently told me how wonderful my sister was as a child, but that I was "stand-offish." My mother sets a lot of store by looks and personality, and virtually none by character, courage, or persistence. I have learned some social skills through hard experience and serial failure, being forced to look at myself and ask what I'm doing wrong.

    When I looked up info on Asperger's Syndrome and was reading the list of traits/characteristics of people with this condition, I saw myself in my old photos, staring blankly at the camera while my sister standing next to me had a bright smile and exuded cuteness. I wonder if there is a hereditary factor with this condition. I had a lot of trauma to deal with in my earliest years of life and thought the etiology of my condition (or whatever it is) might be related to that.

    Thanks for the "new light." I think I'll call a therapist now and make an appointment.



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