Let It Snow!!!

by Funchback 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Funchback

    In Philly, we are supposed to get about 3 inches between now and tomorrow. I hear in Boston they are going to get a lot more.

    Snow is very beautiful. The trees look pretty when they are crowned with snow. Kids make snowmen. Grown-ups fall backwards to the ground and make snow angels. But...

    My favorite thing about snow is that it cancels the JW meetings!

    Let it snow!!!

    Edited by - Funchback on 26 November 2002 11:2:19

  • Matty

    Doh! There's one big crappy thing about the south east of England and that is it's always cold but it's hardly ever cold enough to snow! We have a White Christmas about once a century here!

  • detective

    Do not let it snow!! I repeat, do not let it snow!! I've got a looong drive tomorrow. I'll honk at ya when I pass through PA.

    By the way, Boston weathercasters are predicting anywhere from 1-3 to 2-6 inches tonight/tomorrow. So it looks like it'll be crappy driving the whole trip.


  • Funchback


    So you never had the pleasure of receiving a call about an hour before the meeting telling you that it has been cancelled? In my congregation, the meetings get cancelled about three times each winter.

  • Funchback


    Where are you driving to and from? If you want to stop in PA, let me know. Maybe we can meet for coffee or something. [email protected]

  • Matty

    No, I have never had that luxury of a meeting being cancelled because of snow, there are clearly some advantages to bad weather!

  • detective

    Hi Funchback,
    driving from Boston to Northern VA. I'd love to stop and meet you. Unfortunately, I'll have my ex-witness friend in tow. He's "out" but he's not yet "out" in his head. I wish he'd be up for that but he's not there yet. Based on your posting persona, I think you'd get a kick out of him. It's too bad. Someday, I hope.

  • Tinkerbell4125

    I'm in Tn. and I want it to snow, at least ONCE! It's so pretty!

    p.s. Detective, be safe on your trip!

    Edited by - Tinkerbell4125 on 26 November 2002 11:37:12

  • Shakita

    I am from your neck of the woods!

    Our forecast also calls for some snow tonight and into tomorrow. Maybe the kids can get in some sledding!

    Well, at least a snoweeeee Thanksgiving!

    I love the snow when it first falls. Maybe this year they will forecast another "snowstorm of the century" and we will all run to the supermarket, stock up on food, and then the "monster storm" the weather forecasters declared was coming, WON'T!

    Do you remember that a few years back in our area? What a joke! The weather forecasters have never lived that one down.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Funchback

    Tink- Hopefully...maybe...ONE day you'll get smothered with snow. :o)

    Shakita- When you say my neck of the woods, are you from the Philly area? If so, then you realize all of the flack that John Bolaris took when he guaranteed that it (the storm that never happened) would be the worst we'd seen in a lifetime. He never recovered from that. Now he's going back to New York City. I hate Channel 10 anyway.


    It's cool. Hopefully another time. Just e-mail me in advance. Have fun on your trip and drive carefully!

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