Please email the reporter who covered the Dallas

by Jesika 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Solace

    Anything for this important cause.

    Thanks again Jesika for all you continue to do!

  • Elsewhere

    I have tried to send an email twice and both times got this error:

    Delivery failed 20 attempts: [email protected]

    any ideas?

  • hawkaw


    Your comment about Ms. Williams expecting a 50/50 split in the response.

    Brodie Fenlon, Senior Reporter with the Toronto Sun, who did two major pieces on the JW scandal in the Sunday, September 1, 2002 edition of the Toronto Sun, expected the same thing. But Just like Ms. Williams got the same kind of result.

    Interesting but it shows the power of dbs like this one.


    Keep trying. Mine went through and I also received a personal response back from Ms. Williams.


  • cruzanheart

    Okay, here's the Witness spin doctor version of the broadcast: my dad said his book study group mentioned it and someone said they expected a lot of flak about it at work the next day but the people at HIS office said the interviewees sounded "crazy" and were on the side of the Witnesses! Gee, that's not how Valerie heard it . . . . And that wasn't the opinion of my office or anyone else who watched it. Oh, yeah, this is coming from the congregation that treats a convicted sex offender like a prince.


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