New to board-1st post

by kril 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • kril

    My last attempts at posting were to no avail so I'm just going to test this out first and they edit and post something else.-It worked.

    I have been reading a lot of the material on this website and find most of it interesting. I'm still a witness but have some questions about bible/doctrine that haven't been answered to my satisfaction. It seems that when I discuss things with people (i.e witness elders) they more or less don't listen to my arguements. They can't wait to jump into the conversation to put down what I just said. It kind of reminds me of a bad crossfire debate where both people have made up their minds and are just shooting off words. Thats the extent of the debate, save that I try to look at all sides from a resonable prespective. I kind of was lead to believe that you guys and gals were hedonistic devils or as one brother put it "mentally ill". I have to goto a modern history class right now, but let me leave you with this. If I don't agree with the WTBS view of things, what benifit do I get by leaving? Why should I leave and loose all my family and friends? It seems like a lose-lose position.


    Edited by - kril on 27 November 2002 20:26:8

  • shera

    Hi and welcome are yah?

  • Beans

    Welcome, enjoy the spiritual food!


  • Bootsie

    I am new also. Are the people here active Jehovah's Witness. Went in chat room and still confused.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Hi Kril and Bootsie.... Mucho Big Welcome! This board has all kinds of JWs, active and 'not so active' and ex... but whoever they are, for the most part they're friendly, intelligent and can think for themselves.

  • cruzanheart
    Are the people here active Jehovah's Witness

    Most of the people here used to be Witnesses. We left because of disfellowshipping, disassociation or because we had a crisis of conscience. There are some here who are still active Witnesses, but they need to remain undercover for obvious reasons. Jehovah's Witnesses have hurt many people. This is a good place to come to talk about it after such a bad experience. Most folks here are good people.

  • kelpie

    Welcome to the Board Bootise and Kril..

    No one can decide for you if you should leave or not. You have to way up the pros and cons of doing so. Alot of people just try and fade away so that they can still talk to their family and friends

    For me it came a time where I just couldnt stand sitting in the meetings and listening to the lies anymore. If you can handle that then good for you... You will have the best of both world.

    Feel free to email me if you need to talk.



  • Shakita

    Hi kril and Bootsie:

    Stick around awhile and read some of the posts, past and present, to get a feel for this place. You will find current JW's(though not many) here, Ex-JW's, and Non-JW's.

    Kril, you said:

    If I don't agree with the WTBS view of things, what benifit do I get by leaving? Why should I leave and loose all my family and friends? It seems like a lose-lose position.

    You must follow your heart. No one should tell you what to think, do, or feel about being a JW. I, myself, haven't been to a meeting in about 10 months now. After what I found out about the history of the WTBS, and how the shunning policy destroys families beyond repair, I knew that I could not go on in the JW organization. I could not live a lie, or perpetuate that lie. Everyone must decide using their own conscience.

    I wish you both the best in your search for the "real" truth. You might want to read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz. It contains the "real" truth that every JW must know to make an informative decision on whether or not they decide to remain a JW or not.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Francois

    Has anyone else been getting a screen that has only a couple of headlines about slow server speed and slow page loading when you attempt to log into JWC? I have been getting that all day all of a sudden. It'd driving me more nutty than usual. Someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong after all this time?

  • ozziepost

    G'day Bootsie and Kril,

    Wow, two new friends in one day and one thread! Wonderful!

    A great big "Welcome aboard!" from downunder. Make yourselves at home. You can ask all you like here and no-one will tear you down......well, not much, anyway!

    In the meantime, Mrs Shakira's advice was "spot on".

    I wish you both the best in your search for the "real" truth. You might want to read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz. It contains the "real" truth that every JW must know to make an informative decision on whether or not they decide to remain a JW or not.

    Taste and see.

    Cheers, Ozzie

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