(1) What comes to mind when you think of "alligator"?
(2) What do you think of when you hear "wisdom"?
Put those two together and I believe that expression represents me. I've always carried that "nickname" with me since I was a child and had used it at varies times and places during my life. You may run across it again somewhere, sometime..........because I'm out there somewhere .
Coincidentally, it just so happens that a poster on this board (Tatiana) mentioned that she saw a movie on HBO recently called "The Wisdom of the Alligator". Now I'm curious as to what nature's definition is regarding the wisdom of an alligator. It was also brought to my attention when I was living in the USA that there is an oceanliner/ship named "Alligator Wisdom". But hey, I got dibbs! I was first!
Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")
edited to add a little history ~
Edited by - alligator wisdom on 28 November 2002 19:59:14