Tell your Thanksgiving stories today.

by LyinEyes 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Today we celebrated our first Thanksgiving, it was all I ever thought it should be. The table was loaded with food and everyone excited because the smell of the turkey was all over the place this morning. My daughter told us last night that she thinks we should tell what we all are grateful for as we sit to eat. I don't know how everyone does it but that is our new Thanksgiving ritual. She told us to start with Daddy , then Mama, Jake, her,(Kelly) and then Chance. It was a good idea too. We sat down and for the first time in a very long time, Wild Turkey said the prayer and it felt good to pray to God again as a family, we even held hands , Walton family style durning the prayer.

    We started our things we were each grateful for , one by one. We pretty much all felt the same way, we were thankful for each other, thankful for life, thankful for food, thankful for getting out of JW and being free, thankful for our health. I had tears in my eyes , listening to my husband and children expressing their love for our family. It will be a memory that will forever be in my heart and mind, and I hope that our family will always be close no matter how old the kids get and go on their own.

    My hubby Wild Turkey, said,,,,,,,, " and this is what the JW's think is so wrong, this is sinning you know....... celebrating Thanksgiving..." We all talked about how stupid that was. It was just a great day , a lazy day,,,,,,, And right now we are still watching the Dallas Cowboys and the Redskins, play,,,,,,,,,, Dallas is up 24 to 20,,,,,,, so if hey win,,,,,,,, it will be a perfect day.

    Tomorrow my oldest son is going hunting with his Pappaw and we are going to visit and spend more time with family the rest of the weekend. Life is good. I am full ,,,,Dede

    I was interested in how your dinners turned out,,,,,,, I really like what you did Heaven , volunteering to feed the elderly, and Kenneson, I think, feed the homeless. I would love to do this, it seems very rewarding.

    Oh Yeah, XenaW , I tried calling you back, but couldnt get thru,,,,,,, I lost your other number, I am a dope........... Hope to chat with you later on, I will turn my MSN, sorry I was up to my neck in stuffing when you called........and my kids are all yaking on the phone with the grandparents all day.

    Edited by - LyinEyes on 28 November 2002 19:31:12

  • WildHorses

    Sounds like you had a warm and wondeful Thanksgiving. Here it was just the four of us. Although I did call my family in MN to talk to them.

    I don't think I will ever eat again. I feel as if I am now the Turkey, I am stupped to the gill. Funny thing is, it was so good I want to eat more, but then I know I would be sick. LOL

    We had Turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, corn, green bean casserole, creamed potatoes, candied yams, gravey, pumkin and peach pie. I will not have to cook for the rest of the week!

    Shari, of the stuffed class.

  • scootergirl

    I am so happy that your "first" went well, dede!

    We had a quiet, relaxing day at the Gould home. My two oldest spent Thanksgiving w/my ex, so the house was pretty quiet. I have to say, I didn't mind the change of pace. So it was just me, Filthy and Nathan. Of course, I had enough food to feed an army......but that is good......LEFTOVERS!

    After the kitchen was cleaned, Nathan and daddy took a nap and I put on some Christmas music and wrapped some presents.

    Nathan broke his collar bone this past week and is in a figure 8 harness (they don't cast anymore). Our week has been filled w/trips back and forth to the doctors office. So spending a day at home doing nothing was wonderful!

  • LyinEyes

    OMG , Scooter, I bet that scared the heck out you , Nathan breaking his collar bone. Poor little man. Is he playing it up for extra ice cream and attention,,,,, that is what mine do.... good lord they love to see who can get more attention... I hope he will be ok,,,,,Glad ya had a quiet time. Today was more cooking than usual for me,,,,,,, but not a whole lot more since I cook everyday big dinners for our hungry folks. I don't think I will cook for awhile........... maybe I will sleep ...

  • Sentinel

    We were rather left totally alone this thanksgiving, with our children all off in other directions.(We have all boys, and so it seems the wives always manage to get the holidays with their side of the family.) But I fixed a smaller version of a big meal, turkey and all, and we sat at the dinner table together, just the two of us, and shared a nice bounty.

    I made a special fruit salad and dressing from a special recipe that my hubby found. It was something his mother used to make for special occasions. So, when we sat down to eat, I thanked her outloud for the recipe, and told her that it was like she was sharing a meal with us. (She died in 1976)

  • out4good3

    Well, this wasn't our first Thanksgiving, but I'll share it anyway.

    My wife was tapped to make some potatoe salad for the day. And true to JW form, she hemmed and hawwed and waited till the very last minute to do it claiming that the day was much ado about nothing. Much ado about nothing huh.......

    The day started with me getting up and reminding her about our contribution to this little feast. Soon after waking up, our phone starts ringing off the hook. Who's calling you ask? Well, it just happens to be everyone of her JW relatives looking for a place to get a free authentic Turkey dinner since none of them knows anything about cooking for a holiday. You see, they know that MY blood relatives are not JW's and always without exception put out a big spread. And they also know that we always attend my family's Thankgiving festivities even though my wife always protest that the day is really no big deal.

    So, while she's getting dressed, true to JW form, she starts nickpicking about any little thing she can think of connected to us going to this event. I shoot all of her objections down pointing out to her that all these things would have to be done if we were going anywhere else. It is apparent to me that she's just trying to provoke me into an argument to give her a reason for not wanting to go.

    Why must it always be this "cat and mouse" games with JW. They see all this activity that makes life enjoyable going on around them, families getting together for food and fun, and in their heart, eyes, and actions, deep down they know they want to participate, but then they run right out to a WT rag and find a reason why they shouldn't participate. Their rags are full of bullshit justifications for not doing almost everything under the sun except going to JW meetings, studying WT literature, and what my wife likes to call going out in "service".

    When we got to my sister's house all my family was there. There was plenty of food to eat, white wine passed around, movies to watch, warm sunny day, and everyone there was having a great time, including my JW wife who puts up such a fake fuss everytime I try to take her to a holiday event. Afterward we came home and promptly passed out in bed, tired from a weeks worth of family activities.

    I look at this woman sleeping next to me now and realize that since I've shed that dead weight of WT control and psychobable, I have much to be thankful for. I have a beautiful wife with whom I am dearly in love with and am committed to taking care of. I have good health. I'm gainfully and securely employed. I have all the material possesions I'll ever need. I have a family who I believe loves me. And most of all, I am free of the spiritual slavery of the "Cheese Cracker Men" that inhabit my local kingdum hall and free of the mental captivity of running to WT magazines for the opinions of the Depends generation in Brooklyn headquarters when faced with decisions I make in my life.

  • Searchin50

    Oh my , Thanksgiving Dinner what a feast we had all the tradition---------

    Turkey, Stuffing.Mashed potatoes, Gravy, Cranberry Sauce,

    Broccoli Casserole.Corn, early there was Cheese,Crackers,

    Bloody Marys,------------ With dinner, White Zinfendel

    Asti Spamunti Champagne,

    After Dinner, Apple Pie,Pumpkin Pie, Banana Cream Pie,

    It was just the most lovely day ever !!!!!!!!!!!

    My daughter home-made everything,I was so proud of her, words

    just can't describe it.

    She is the Mother of 4 children, 4 and under !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    She & Hubby had family down from Chicago, it was so nice

    to be able to say, HAPPY THANKSGIVING

    I hope everyone had a beautiful day.


  • Bendrr

    Truth be told...My Thanksgiving is now made special when I hear of how others have left the bondage of The Empire and are learning to enjoy what I already have. All of you who have posted so far, my love to you. All who haven't, well post away. If you haven't had a holiday yet, get busy!

    My Thanksgiving this year was spent at my older brother's house. His wife Tina cooked a gargantuan ham, rutabegas (sp?), and a truckload of other sides. My little contribution was a big bottle of Luna di Luna Pinot Grigio and a twelve pack of Dos Equis. My bro and I went out and spent some time in the garage with his race car. We watched a couple of Star Wars movies. I also volunteered to cook Christmas dinner and got Tina to commit to having the family over to my place for my version of such. Volunteered isn't exactly the right word. More like I told them I'd never hosted Christmas before and would very much like to do so. They know I can cook up a storm so it didn't take much arm-twisting.

    Happy Holidays, y'all!


    Edited by - bendrr on 28 November 2002 21:35:13

  • Kenneson

    Hi Dede,

    I've been out since 1966, so I have many Thanksgivings beneath my belt. Happy to see that yours was a great success.

    You're right. I work at a Soup Kitchen. But we are closed two days in the year--Thanksgiving and Christmas. On Thanksgiving, Western Sizzler opens its restaurant from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. to feed the homeless or anyone else who is alone (including students who can't make it home for the holidays), etc. This is sponsored by several groups in the city. And there were numerous volunteers to serve. Last year they fed 2,300 meals. Also, Project Annie feeds about 1,000 meals at another location. And Good Shepherd Catholic Church feeds hundreds more. The closest location to me is Western Sizzler, so that's where I went. It felt great to be waited upon for a change. For Christmas, Trinity United Methodist Church is the only place in town that feeds. So everyone has to go there.

    For the evening meal, one of the volunteers at the Soup Kitchen, had me over. What a feast! We had turkey, ham, dressing, string beans, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, zucchini (one of Oprah's recipes), rolls, macaroni and cheese, and salad. Dessert was pumpkin or pecan pie. Oh, and prior to supper, she brought out this wonderful dip (artichoke and parmesan cheese and garlic powder combined), with tortilla chips. I could have made just that my supper, since it was sooooo good.

    For the Christmas holidays I'm taking a break to visit my sister and other family members and friends in La. (from Dec. 23 until the 29th). There are people who cover for me when I am away. I try to make it an annual thing (either at Christmas or at Easter).

    So the Thanksgiving meal for the Shelter will be tomorrow. We're going to have turkey, mashed potatoes, veggies, salad, bread, cranberry sauce and some type of pastries.

    By the way, if there is a Shelter in your area, don't be shy to volunteer if you ever get the opportunity. You probably will get more out of it than the clients. Besides, you can be a bridge between the haves and the have nots.

  • Mum

    It does me good to hear all of these great stories of people enjoying life. Thanks for sharing.

    I spent Thanksgiving with a friend who is moving out of state. After stuffing ourselves, we went to see the new Harry Potter movie. The movie was great! I love Dumbledor's summation at the end, which goes something like, "After all, Harry, it is not so much our abilities as our choices that define us."

    Making a choice to enjoy life as much as possible,


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