Today we celebrated our first Thanksgiving, it was all I ever thought it should be. The table was loaded with food and everyone excited because the smell of the turkey was all over the place this morning. My daughter told us last night that she thinks we should tell what we all are grateful for as we sit to eat. I don't know how everyone does it but that is our new Thanksgiving ritual. She told us to start with Daddy , then Mama, Jake, her,(Kelly) and then Chance. It was a good idea too. We sat down and for the first time in a very long time, Wild Turkey said the prayer and it felt good to pray to God again as a family, we even held hands , Walton family style durning the prayer.
We started our things we were each grateful for , one by one. We pretty much all felt the same way, we were thankful for each other, thankful for life, thankful for food, thankful for getting out of JW and being free, thankful for our health. I had tears in my eyes , listening to my husband and children expressing their love for our family. It will be a memory that will forever be in my heart and mind, and I hope that our family will always be close no matter how old the kids get and go on their own.
My hubby Wild Turkey, said,,,,,,,, " and this is what the JW's think is so wrong, this is sinning you know....... celebrating Thanksgiving..." We all talked about how stupid that was. It was just a great day , a lazy day,,,,,,, And right now we are still watching the Dallas Cowboys and the Redskins, play,,,,,,,,,, Dallas is up 24 to 20,,,,,,, so if hey win,,,,,,,, it will be a perfect day.
Tomorrow my oldest son is going hunting with his Pappaw and we are going to visit and spend more time with family the rest of the weekend. Life is good. I am full ,,,,Dede
I was interested in how your dinners turned out,,,,,,, I really like what you did Heaven , volunteering to feed the elderly, and Kenneson, I think, feed the homeless. I would love to do this, it seems very rewarding.
Oh Yeah, XenaW , I tried calling you back, but couldnt get thru,,,,,,, I lost your other number, I am a dope........... Hope to chat with you later on, I will turn my MSN, sorry I was up to my neck in stuffing when you called........and my kids are all yaking on the phone with the grandparents all day.
Edited by - LyinEyes on 28 November 2002 19:31:12