Did I die?

by benext 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • outbackaussie

    {{hugs}} Yes, Heaven, that is not only sick it is sad. What a loss for your uncle to never know the love of your sweet children.

    I am glad that you are indeed alive, and that I may better get to know you. If only to share funny kid stories :) and try to support each other in our "death".

  • pettygrudger

    (Heaven) - Its your uncles loss - the sad thing is that I feel sorry for them (like my mother). Their pain is real - whether based on a cult or not. They truly believe what they say, and must live with it themselves.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    My uncle (with tears in his eyes) once told my sister that he shouldnt even bother to form a relationship with my children since they are going to be killed in Armageddon anyway. How sick is that.

    That IS sick...... what kind of god do they worship to even think he would condemn innocent children for their parent's actions. Sorry, but it's an insult to God.

  • outbackaussie

    That is so right, pettygrudger, I remember those feelings of pain when a friend was DA'd. I was devastated at the thought she was "lost". When the rules changed and you could talk to DA'd people, I went and visited her, she had moved on from her WT life but it was good to talk to her. Now I am happy for her to have found the truth about The Truth.

  • Solace

    Petty, Double, Outback,

    Thank you. I agree that it is sad. I do love them and pity them at the same time. I can only imagine the pain they are feeling by actually believing something so ridiculous. I only talk to them occassionally. They tell my sister how "worried" they are for me and how they "pray" for me, she tells them that "I am worried about them and pray for them." It totally blows their minds. They must believe Im as derranged as they believe Im demonized.

  • ballistic

    I've been thinking about this for about 10 minutes, and I'm speechless.

  • pettygrudger

    Regardless of how we feel about the "after life", I find some small comfort in this thought...

    Whenever we all get to the afterlife (if there is one) then we will be able to get the last laugh so to speak with those that continue to hurt us. Then, we can all kiss & make-up, then make up for lost time. Life here on earth passes quickly, and who know's what lies beyond (if anything).

  • Soledad

    When the rules changed and you could talk to DA'd people

    Huh? When did this happen? Do you have any link to literature, or can you post something about that? My family cut me off because I'm DA. I would love to show them something like that.

  • Solace


    I know that many here dont believe in the afterlife but I feel exactly the same as you.

    I almost hope my JW grandparents are up there right now thinking,"oops! Boy, were we wrong."

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