I started this post under kids and parenting, then I realized that not nearly as many people look under there, so I put it here also.
My stepson lives with his "witness" mother. He is early teens, and recently baptized (he tells us it is because other kids his age did it) He has heard my son talk about holidays and had no qualms accepting christmas gifts from my family last year. I think he knows that we are fully "out", though the subject has never been discussed. He knows that life in our house is different, in a good way, from his life with his mentally ill mother. I am worried that we cannot expect him to be open and comfortable discussing how he feels with us if we are secretive about how we live our life when he is around. If he were to "spill the beans" so to speak (which has happened regarding other issues in the past) about the fact that we celebrate holidays, his mother will set out to see that my husband is disfellowshipped and have absolutely no qualms about causing trauma to her son. She has repeatedly demonstrated that her sons well being and feelings are irrelevant to her agenda, and her ultimate goal is to sever his relationship with his father. Any suggestions on how to broach the subject with him? Or should we leave it alone?