Well, I think if life would be a nightmare if he were disfellowshipped at this time, then as loving parents I would say you need to do what you have to, to protect him from disfellowshipping offenses. As much as I longed for Christmas as a kid, I understand what you want to give him. But for what ever reason he got baptized, he did and will have to live with the consequences until he can walk away. He is doing what was expected of him by two parents who brought him into this world as a JW. Things changed and all of a sudden the rules change and he is in the middle of totally oppossing sides. I'm beginning to feel sorry for this little guy. I can see why you want to bring childhood joy to his life, he needs it. But don't rock his little religious boat anymore then you need to right now. He also does not have the emotional know how to play the we're good, she's bad game (please no offense, it's normal in divorces) But since you do not have custody, can not afford to fight for custody don't put him in so much pain by seeing what he can't have, at this time (which is probably why he cries when he leaves, he is being sent back to prison). Love him, support him & assure him of your love. Scully's idea of seasonal decorations was a good comprimise and maybe you could take him to the store and let him pick out some (presents). You can be festive with out being totally obvious. Protect him from the battles he has no weapons for. Just my opinion.