Who is coloured?

by Defender 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • crownboy

    deddaisy asked:

    Is there a difference between a white guy with a black woman and a black man with a white woman?

    In my observation, I've seen more white people bothered by the latter, and more black people bothered by the former, though I think alot of black folks are also bothered by black guys/ white women relationships as well.

    Edited by - crownboy on 30 November 2002 17:35:7

  • back2dafront

    I couldn't have said it any better myself.

    Check this out - I have an Orange convertible mustang - white top, white racing wheels. My friend, who is white, has driven it around town a few times and has gotten pulled over by cops to COMPLIMENT him on how nice it is. I, on the other hand, get pulled over and handed tickets for speeding or failed tail lights. The last ticket i was speeding in the slow lane (70 in 55) while about 10 other cars were passing me in the faster lanes, and that is NO exaggeration. I took it to court and lost, of course. Cop says he only saw me, which was an outright lie and he KNEW it. I called him on it and the Judge stepped in and backed him up and said he believes the cop, who is the trained "professional." Some justice. One day in traffic court was all I needed to show me what sort of Justice system is in place. There isn't one. Just another way to milk more money out of us.

    I'm the last person to start a black/white issue, but I just don't think criminal behavior is characteristic of black people or latin people in general. Like i said earlier, it seems to me that it would be better stated as a reality of blacks and hispanics in America due to the culture/path in life they are born into and/or choose to take. And those who choose education are normally the ones that stay out of trouble.

    That's my 2 cents worth.

  • COMF

    Bigboi, I'll meet you halfway on this. Granted, MLK managed to get some people to change their attitudes. Enough to effect change for the better. Unfortunately, others allowed their attitudes move in a different direction. That's why he isn't with us today.

    Old? Yeah, man, I am getting old. Lots of observation and experience under this old hood. Sometimes I just have to let it out. ;)

  • yrs2long

    LuckyLucy, please help me understand your line of reasoning. Which of these statements, if any, are you saying is true:

    characteristics of jailbirds=black or latino
    characteristics of serial killers=white?

    characteristics of black/latinos = jailbirds
    characteristics of whites=serial killers?And which of these statements(again, if any), are you using to support your statement

    You have to admit some ethic groups have certain charactisitcs
    I am tempted to conclude that you are using statements c and d as support since they are the only ones that mention the characteristic of an ethnic group.
  • plmkrzy

    Today I'm a little blue

    but, I'm going out for some fresh air and sunshine while it lasts. Maybe I'll come back...another colour

  • back2dafront

    Hey, in case anyone has ever wondered....

    black people get sunburned too! :-)

    Just thought I'd throw that in there. I've been asked that a dozen times by other nationalities throughout the years. Granted we don't burn nearly as quickly as fair-skinned folks, but we still burn.

  • teejay
    It's funny: White people often rightly complain that for too many blacks, everything is about race, always. But they fail to grasp the corollary truth that for too many whites, nothing is about race, ever

    Good quote, Bigster. Good article.


    Study Finds Disparity in Plea Bargain Process
    July 24, 2000
    By Amy Worden

    WASHINGTON (APBnews.com) - Plea bargains are sparing the lives of white defendants in federal capital cases at a much higher rate than black defendants, according to an analysis of 146 federal death penalty cases.

    The analysis, prepared by the Federal Death Penalty Resource Counsel Project, found 60 percent of white defendants in federal capital cases had their sentences reduced through plea bargains with federal prosecutors; 41 percent of blacks convicted in similar cases reached such an agreement.

    "The concern is the federal system is skewed by race"

    -- http://www.apbnews.com/cjsystem/justicenews/2000/07/24/deathpleas0724_01.html


    Sentencing reforms have also led to more blacks than whites going to prison following arrest. Black men now have a 28 percent lifetime chance of incarceration, compared to the 7 percent chance for white men. The result is that sentencing reforms have had a far greater disruptive impact on black communities.

    -- http://www.urban.org/crime/module/sabol/prison_pop.html


    As can be seen, the absolute increase for violent offenders was virtually identical for blacks and whites (31,000 and 33,000 respectively), but for drug offenses, the black increase outpaced that for whites by 66,000 to 15,000, a 465.5% just five years. Absent data regarding the racial breakdown of persons involved in drug crimes, these trends may reflect the impact of "drug war" policies in inner cities and the fact that when discretion is more prevalent in the criminal justice system, minorities may suffer greater consequences.

    -- http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/dope/laws/charts.html


    While previous studies have suggested that blacks and whites use drugs at about the same rate, African Americans were arrested for drug offenses at about five times the rate of whites during the height of the drug war in 1989.

    At almost every stage of the criminal justice process, whites fare better than African Americans or Latinos. One-third of whites who are first-time offenders had charges reduced compared to one-quarter of blacks and Latinos. White first offenders also received rehabilitative placements in the community at twice the rate of African Americans and Latinos. And prison sentences for drug offenses were harsher for blacks and Latinos than whites: Latinos went to prison at twice the rate of whites; African Americans one-third more frequently

    -- http://www.pdxnorml.org/LAT_Racial_Fairness_021396.html


    black people get sunburned too! :-).... we don't burn nearly as quickly as fair-skinned folks, but we still burn. -- Back2dafront

    Damn skippy!

  • SixofNine

    do-bee-do-bee-doooooooooo do-do-dwaaaaay-doooooo

    AARRGGHH! ok, gotta concede that one, bigs.

    good article btw. Leonard Pitts said it, I believe it, and that settles it! lol, j/k, he's not god (after all, god is pure lilly white much like myself), but he is the best columnist working today, imo.

  • Big Tex

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