Have you ever been in a car accident?

by back2dafront 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • back2dafront

    Just curious how many people have been the driver in a car/motorcycle accident.

    If so, how serious was it?

    I've been driving for 12 years now and have up and down the east coast numerous times, across country and up and down the west coast numerous times. PLUS my commute to work for the past 2 years is 95 miles round trip. And I've still never been in a car wreck.

    (knock on wood)

    I think I'm just lucky. Hope the streak continues....


  • zev


    both car and motorcycle.

    and lived to tell about it.

  • Been there
    Been there

    Maybe.....................You're a really good driver!! Congrates! Your insurance company loves you.

    I've been in a few small ones where some one else was driving. I have only been the cause of one where I skidded in the back end of a Saturn with a Cavelier. Far more damage to my car (front end was all plastic) Her car had two scratches on the bumper, but it did compress her bumper. I had plenty of room to stop but just skidded on dry road. I felt so bad for her, she was a nurse who had just worked all night with the flu and couldn't wait to get home and go to sleep.

    To add to the question, do men react differant then women in a wreck? I was crying and we were hugging making sure each other was okay.

  • Simon

    No, driving about 18 years, up and down the country, towns and motorways.

    Had some near misses due to idiots but always managed to avoid an accident. Would love to have a James Bond style car with rockets and stuff sometimes.

  • animal

    I have been in some bad ones... on the bike.... amazing thing, I havent had one since I quit getting drunk.


  • orangefatcat

    I have been driving since I was 15 now 51 and hubby has been driving since 15 and he is 73 and he had his first accident and it was not our fault a deer jumped in front of our van on February 18 2002 and I got injured and so did our van big time and hubby was driving. But the insuranse says it really is not an accident that counts with an animal. Cause you can't sue an animal. I have to sue my husband. Stupid eh? So for 9 months I have been suffering a serious back and leg injury and have had some therapy but now its got to the point the therapy doesn't works, so I need surgery. The doctors are going to try and do one procedure in hope of delaying the surgery it is called Epidural Steriods. So if it works for a while that will be good. But the doctor says that will not cure the problem. And I have to sue my hubby for pain and suffering. Thank God this will not affect my husbands insurance. As we had paid an extra premium for a free accident with total coverage. It pays to pay for those little extra things on your policy. I have never had an accident that was my fault. And in reality neither has my husband. And he was a transport driver through Canada and USA and a cabbie for 35 years in Toronto. So his driving record is impeccable.


  • Thirdson

    I haven't had an accident in more than 12 years, I must be about due. In my twenties, when I drove a lot for work I had three accidents in the space of 5 years. I was rear-ended once and I once hit a taxi that turned in front of me. Both were minor and I drove away after exchanging insurance details etc.

    The worst accident didn't result in injury and was scary for what might have happened. I was taking a piece of equipment for installation at a factory. It was loaded with other items in a twin-axled trailer I was towing. I didn't load the trailer and no-one knew the weight of the machine but it was heavy! I was only 10 minutes from work and on the freeway (motorway). I was in the nearside lane doing about 55 mph when i was overtaken by an 18-wheeler. It induced a snaking action in the trailer which I tried to ride out by lifting my foot off the accelerator but it became so bad that the load shifted and trailer jacked-knifed spinning the car round. My fender hit the crash barrier and I came to rest facing the wrong way on the hard-shoulder with all 8 wheels groundside down. I pulled forward to straighten up and to get over to the side.

    This happened on one of the busiest freeways in Europe and I managed to not hit anyone else or cause further accidents. I called the police on the roadside phone which was close by. They arrived in two-minutes, radioed to have the lights altered to divert traffic to two lanes and close a lane to allow me to unhitch the trailer and turm the car around. The police officers helped turn the trailer and re-hitch it. I showed them my license and they sent me off. I never heard anything about the incident again. It could have been so much worse. I could have killed someone, I could have rolled the car, I could have gone over the crash barrier of the elevated section I was on. I might have even ended up on the "World's Worst Drivers" TV show.

    I was very lucky that day.


    PS I must be one of the idiots that Simon managed to avoid!

    Edited by - Thirdson on 30 November 2002 10:1:13

  • NeonMadman

    In 1994, I was broadsided by a guy going 60 mph. He hit the driver's side rear door - I was driving. Had he hit the front door, I might not be typing this. The car was a Peugeot, which were reinforced almost as well as Volvos.

    Anyway, my (now ex-) wife and I both ended up in therapy for the pain from the injuries. She had an affair with her therapist, then later divorced me based upon her own adultery (her real reason was that I wasn't a good enough JW). The congregation slapped her on the wrist with a private reproof, and told her they "just wanted her to be happy". Last I heard, she's still miserable.

    I, on the other hand, got out of the cult, and married my high school sweetheart (32 years after taking her to the prom). I'm as happy as a clam.

    Best auto accident I ever had.

  • back2dafront

    holy cow neon, that's quite the story! man....

    how bad were the injuries?

  • WildHorses

    I've been in two. Only one of which I was driving. I was sixteen at the time of the first. As a matter of fact, they put up yeild signs after that because people had complained about being blind sided by the setting sun at that intersection. I hated it after that because my history teacher gave me the nick name, crash and dent after that.

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