How many people got sick after they were baptized. Englishmans post reminded me of my experience. I was about the 20 th person to go through the little pool not much bigger than a bath tub. A couple of days later I was laid low with a very bad dose of the flu. If I had been an elderly person it could have killed me. The hygiene implications of JW baptism procedures is a bit scary. Do they do the same things in other parts of the world with the little portable bath tubs? I seems to me the WTS are very negligent when it comes to hygiene
Hygiene implications of baptism
by hippikon 15 Replies latest jw friends
JW's are pretty ignorant when it comes to medical situations. If it isn't herbal, natural, weird, etc.....well they don't want to hear it!! A doctor, you're a doctor??? They only listen to witch doctors. lol......
As far as the baptizmal pools, why would you get sick? Isn't God supposed to be looking out for your best interests? Guess not, if you are getting sick from being baptized!!!! The JW's would say it's all Satan's fault....not theirs. Nothing is EVER their fault. Just Satan's.
Wing Commander
I remember looking at all the scum floating on top of the water....
Never been up close to a baptism pool (thank Jeebus!), but I always assumed the water had chlorine in it like a swimming pool.
If they don't - eeeeew!
When I was done, it was the local swiming baths a short distance from the assembly. A large properly chlorinated pool that also gave a measure of privacy since only one or two onlookers per candidate were admitted.
I always felt uncomfortable watching the "sisters" of all shapes and sizes have to display themselves in swimsuits before the whole Assembly.
A practical old elder of my acquiantance once retorted that "It is supposed to be a public display of your faith, not your body!"
Actually, the WTS did comments on hygiene and baptism,
*** g94 3/22 15 Helping Those With AIDS ***
What should a person who knows he or she has AIDS do when he or she wants to become one of Jehovahs Witnesses and get baptized? Out of respect for the feelings of others, it may be wise for them to request a private baptism, although there is no evidence to suggest that AIDS has been transmitted in swimming pools. While many first-century Christians were baptized at large public gatherings, others were baptized in more private settings because of varying circumstances. (Acts 2:38-41; 8:34-38; 9:17, 18) Another alternative would be for the candidate with AIDS to be baptized last.Blondie
At the Natick Assembly Hall, where I attended assemblies for many years, the lobby where the baptismal pool was located always smelled strongly of chlorine, so I suspect there were no diseases floating around that partciular body of water.
I, however, was baptized a few years before that facility was built, in 1969 at the International Assembly at Yankee Stadium. They actually bussed us across the Bronx to Orchard Beach for the baptisms. So, I was actually baptized in Long Island Sound. God knows what I might have picked up there...
Before bapism, there are questions that the elders ask to do with hygene.
Do you have any contagious diseases?
Do you have any open wounds?
Are you incontinent?
I know somebody that in answer to the third question said................I have never been abroad!!!!!!
when i was baptized it was in a hotel swimming pool at the holiday inn in oshawa ontario. I think the best bet is to install showers in the assembly halls and have them take and antiseptic shower first and then get baptised and the sick get done last. And in most stadiums that the society rents for the summer they all have showers cause the sports players have them before they leave the stadiums after they play stinky sports...
Dah !!!!!
Instead of using a pool, they should just line up all the baptismal candidates and just hose em all down...........Geeze......I shouldn't have to think of EVERYTHING!!!