I Seened it With My Own Eyes @o@

by Funchback 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • wednesday

    i probably have dementia or i could remember some more. I swear "i seen it with my own eyes'. Oh the billy bobs was in dallas, tx.. we had a relatively young elder group and they like to have a good time.

    the sis who wanted to let "our spirit mingle" was so dumb. Someone told her "we don't do that-that's spiritism", she didn't get it. she was into new age stuff and jw-until they corrected her.

    And jehovah's knows- i really did wish i was home washing my car - u know how the average jw yard and car looked.

    Oh i have an relative who tells the tale of one time he called satan out with an owija board. He said satan tried to knock him down and he challenged him. This relative has told this story all his life-he's quite old now. Witnesses from the an era gone by were quite fiesty.

  • Robdar
    The PO, a special pioneer held in high esteem by the Society, stating that all mosquitos have to be offspring of the ones created by Pharao's sorcerers back in Moses' days, because God would never have created anything that thrives on blood

    What a clown ass remark! ROFL. Thanks for posting that one.



  • blondie

    That struck me as funny too, Robdar, because there are many carnivores on the earth today and they don't bleed their meat before they eat it. Based on that reasoning, wolves, tigers, lions, cougars, etc., were not created by God. (sorcerers can "create" eh? not) These guys must check their brains at the door.

    Blondie (who would have been right up there asking that question after the talk if this was a talk; if not, privately with proper sisterly submission)

    (I was a pain in the rear back; woops still am)

  • back2dafront

    Mom and I are out in service in a wealthy neighborhood. The very first door we knock on a girl my age answers the door. She's obviously hung-over - dried up drool on her face, a t-shirt on and panies. She was a hottie too. Well, mom starts preaching at her and the girl says, "Hey...you guys wanna come in?" Mom looked at me as if to see if it was okay with me or something...??!! hahaha We go inside and her sister or friend ( can't remember) is pulling herself off of the couch - panies and tank top that did not cover her very well at ALL. I'd NEVER been in the company of girls my age in their UNDERWEAR. (I was about 16 at the time). The girls were really cool and smiling at me and my mom was just talking away about the Live Forever brochure, or whatever the title was. I was in PARADISE - it was GREAT. I remember intentionally going back to that house when I got my license to make a "return visit" but they were never home. :-(

    A young man in our Hall had Turretts syndrome. I've got a couple of stories:

    Sunday morning public talk. A visiting sister and her young daughter arrive late....they are seated towards the middle. This young man appeared to be very normal, and was actually a handsome guy. He's standing in the back of the hall. An elders wife, very attractive sister, walks from the bathroom to her seat. Young man suddenly blurts out, "I wanna F@$! <insert sisters name>". The look on the visitors faces...!!! hahahaha Everyone else was used to his obscenities, but even this one was a little more blatant than usual. It took every bit of concentration I had to surpress my laughter!

    Young man and I are at the mall breaking for lunch during service. We go to use the bathroom...as soon as we walk in, young man makes a loud, convulsive noise. A little kid peeing at the urinal JUMPS away and around from the sudden noise and manages to pee in a full circle. I laughed - couldn't help it. He had a very annoyed, frightened look on his face...

    One common thing I remember happening periodically was people tripping while going up or coming down the stairs to the stage. Scary at first, but upon realizing they were okay, it was hilarious!

    My friend getting his Japanese mother to say the word "ridiculous." She always left the "ri" and the first "u" out of it. We'd laugh and she didn't know why!

    I started studying with a kid who had dredlocks and smoked weed. He said he wanted to come to the meeting. I picked him up and was obviously LIT. 10 minutes into the public talk he RAISES HIS HAND. I quickly ask him to put his hand down. He starts talking to me...not whispering, but talking...saying he wants to express something to everyone too. I should not have assumed that strangers understand how sermons work I guess. He was quite annoyed that he couldn't speak out when he wanted to, and then during the Watchtower, when everyone else raised their hands, he raised his as well. I was hoping the conductor wouldn't call on him because I had no idea what he would say, and I knew for sure it would have nothing to do with the cited material. His thoughts were all over the place. The conductor kept looking at me...looking for a sign on if he should call on him or not. I think the look on my face said it all - he didn't call on him. The dude got mad, stood up and left - said he didn't like a church where people had to be "called upon" to speak. I was SO embarrassed!!!!

  • Cicatrix

    Well, there was the twenty-something pioneer brother who hit a teenaged sister over the head with a chair while goofing around and gave her a concussion. Oh, did I mention he was the responsible adult chaperoning the group?:)

    Then there was the irate father I met in field service who whipped out a shotgun when I knocked on his door. He chased us to the car, gun cocked. It seems his sixteen year old son was sneaking around studying with an elder against his wishes.Poor guy, I understand his frustration now.

    A sister had an affair with a guy who was studying (his wife was a witness). He left his wife, but got mad when another brother began helping his wife out (they had a large number of children). He threatened the guy with a loaded hangun.As far as I know, he still attends meetings, although one congregation told him he was not welcome at their hall (they don't seem to mind the pedophile that attends, though).

    I'd like to speak in defense of the woman who breastfed her baby. Why do we get so worked up over the sight of a bare breast when a mother is nursing her child, yet decry in the name of "free speech" the right of silicone enhanced women and barely legal things to display their wares in a "tasteful" manner.I've been polling prime time t.v. on my one channel. In the last month, at least one time per evening, a strip club scene is featured, and about all that is covered are those "areolas"hehe. No one seems to have a problem with that, so why get worked up over a mom feeding her kid? Breasts serve a twofold purpose, guys. Get over it. They are not just play toys(although that's a great purpose too):) Try being a sister who tries to "discreetly" feed her baby by slipping into the library (if there was even a place to nurse in the library-at some halls I've been to, babies were expected to eat their meals in the bathroom so as not to offend the prudish-ackk!How gross is that! I'll never forget the time I did just that, and brother zealous on the platform kept asking over the mic system where I was!! It was quite the dilemma. I was counseled contiuously not to tarry about my business in the back and get back to the main hall, yet was faced with the need to meet my baby's physical AND emotional need to be at the breast. All while being reminded to keep it modest. Geesh! Besides, most nursing mothers know full well how to nurse their child without revealing anything.We all think we are so progressive, yet still freak at the sight of a nursing child.

    I'll get off my soapbox now:)

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