Islam's Ugly Assault on Beauty

by NewYork44M 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Geeze, I guess the Christians should've just STOOD THERE, like a bunch of idiots and then the Muslims slaughter them all to death eh? Don't try to shift the blame for the riot on to the Christians, because it wasn't the Christians that started the riot in the first place, it was the Muslims, end of story.

    Perhaps you should read a bit more on the riots. You would see that Christians were not just defending themselves, but were activiely killing Muslims and burning mosques. (Ref.: The Economist Nov 30, 2002)

    LOL! You've GOT to be kidding??!! Tell you what; why don't you go take a vacation over to Iran or Iraq, dressed in western clothing complete with make-up on and see how much they enjoy a woman's us from prison and tell us how many years they gave you.........

    A glance at an atlas may be in order too. Iran and Iraq are not the entirety of the Islamic world. Nor do the entire populations of those countries subscribe to the extremist views of the current rulers (if they did, why would those rulers have to keep slaughtering them?) Also, the article spoke of Islam rejecting "beauty". It did not speak of Islam rejecting "women's beauty." Two different things entirely, and again an inaccurate generalisation.

    Ya right......I guess everyone is just mis-interpreting the 150 references in the Koran promoting death to all "infidels"'s really a religion of peace!!

    No, they probably are not. Just as all of the warlike references promoting death to non-believers in the Bible are probably not mis-interpreted. The majority of Christians are moderate and do not subcribe to those beliefs. The same is true of Muslims, though stating such appears to be heresy in the post 9-11 world.

    Gee, last time I checked, none of the terrorists from September 11th or any of the suicide bombers that never seem to quit, were Christians, they were ALL MUSLIMS.

    Gee, last time I checked, none of the IRA terrorists who have bombed Britain over the past 30 years killing more than 3000 people were Muslims, they were ALL CHRISTIANS. So have most Western mass murderers, terrorists and tyrants over the past thousand years. So what?

    You don't get it do you? Whether you class all Jews as untermenschen, all Muslims as screaming murderers, all Irish as bombers, all Canadians as hosers, generalisations don't work!


  • cookie


    Canadian here! What's a hoser?


    P.S. I wish we had an English professor on board who could disect this article for us. It is a great example to learn from.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints
    this is what happens when you have a bunch of ignorant, uneducated wackos running around.......

    How did this turn into a discussion of Ohio college football fans?

    LOL @ six!

    You are so wrong Incense!!

    you might want to do a little research, lucy. the rioting was all about perceived blasphemy, not beauty itself, as the institute author said in part of the article. i wasn't deffending fanatics or condoning pedophelia, just commenting on the article content, okeedokee?

    edited to add: a news article i referenced in my post didn't appear due to technical difficulties. but you can find it here:

    it is titled:

    Nigeria Miss World strife goes on

    here's a snippet:

    KADUNA, Nigeria (CNN) --The threat of more sectarian strife hung over Nigeria after a northern state announced a fatwa decree urging Muslims to kill a reporter whose story on the Miss World pageant sparked deadly riots.

    More than 200 people died in violence in the northern city of Kaduma over the story Muslims said blasphemed against the Prophet Mohammed. The contest was subsequently moved to London.

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 4 December 2002 15:43:39

  • expatbrit


    Um....try this, from

    For all those who have asked me what "hoser" means, here is a good definition from Canadian Words; a comic browse through words and folk sayings invented by Canadians by Bill Casselman, Copp Clark Ltd., 1995, ISBN 0-7730-5515-0

    "A hoser is the all-Canadian, beer-swilling, tuque-headed yokel, as popularized by Bob & Doug McKenzie, TV characters created by SCTV stars Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas.

    A hoser is one who hoses. As a colloquial verb, for some thirty years, to hose has meant to clobber the opposing team in a hockey game, also to screw someone up, to mess up another's plans."

    Expatbrit, hoser in training.
  • BeautifulGarbage

    "But the most revealing element of this Islamic attack was a slogan chanted by rioters: "Down with Beauty." This is the key to the whole outlook of Islam: an attack on any enjoyment of life in this world, even the aesthetic enjoyment of contemplating beauty. If you want young men to die for Allah the explicit goal of the fanatics then you can't let them catch even a glimpse of the values they are leaving behind."

    (Italics Mine)

    I wish I had the time to delve more deeply into this subject because it is of great interest to me, but I gotta keep making Christmas presents.

    I found that last sentence ironic. They do get to catch glimpses, just as long as it is their relatives. The Koran is very specific about who exactly gets to see a woman without her head covering. Also, one cannot cover all Muslims, and their counties, with one big blanket. Bosnian Muslims do not strickly adhere to the covering of head and hair. Yet, in Saudi Arabia, woman cover themselves, faces included, from head to toe. Some even wear gloves so that even their hands are not exposed.

    Now, there are the Muslim Extremists. I can see why they are so willing to die for Islam and Allah. They follow a very strict sect of Islam, so their women are heavily covered and never photographed. One may be able to see why they greatly anticipate the 70 beautiful virgins promised to them if they die a martyr for Islam.


  • Mary
    Perhaps you should read a bit more on the riots. You would see that Christians were not just defending themselves, but were activiely killing Muslims and burning mosques. (Ref.: The Economist Nov 30, 2002)

    Ya, and why were they doing this? Because the Muslims attacked THEM for absolutely no other reason than they didn't like what a newspaper said about Muhammad........

    A glance at an atlas may be in order too. Iran and Iraq are not the entirety of the Islamic world. Nor do the entire populations of those countries subscribe to the extremist views of the current rulers (if they did, why would those rulers have to keep slaughtering them?) Also, the article spoke of Islam rejecting "beauty". It did not speak of Islam rejecting "women's beauty." Two different things entirely, and again an inaccurate generalisation.

    You're right. I forgot Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Pakistan Islam......they all treat their women so much better than those in Iran and Iraq.........NOT!! Muslim women in these countries can be murdered by their husbands or the authorities just as easily as in Iran or Iraq.......and if Islam does not have a problem with women's beauty, then why do they force them to be covered from head to toe?? Why did they have such a totally irrational response to one stupid thing a newspaper said?? You know as well as I do that women in these countries have abosolutely no rights whatsoever and many are treated worse than dogs. I'm sure there are convervative Muslims throughout the world but there seems to be more and more fanatics as time goes by.

    No, they probably are not. Just as all of the warlike references promoting death to non-believers in the Bible are probably not mis-interpreted. The majority of Christians are moderate and do not subcribe to those beliefs. The same is true of Muslims, though stating such appears to be heresy in the post 9-11 world.

    I agree, there are Muslims who were probably disgusted after 9-11. Unfotunately, there was the sickening spectical of seeing thousands of Muslims cheering in the streets of these Islamic countries after learning about the thousands that were killed in New York on September 11th that remains forefront in our minds.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    When Muslims in this country and others begin to make collective statements denouncing and condeming the acts of suicide bombers and other terrorists as NOT being representative of Islam, then I will begin to have a change of heart. I may give up my notion that Islam is an anachronistic, fanatical belief system based on ignorance and hatred. But as of right now, I see no reason to change my opinion.

  • outoftheorg

    I am with Drahcir On this one.

    When I hear or see where the Islamic groups in the US begin to take a stand against the violent actions of the extremist segments of Islamic society, I will feel much better with them being in my country.

    Sorry Drachir, skanaka Norsk no. I am sure I spelled that wrong.

    My dad was born in Moss Norway.


  • expatbrit
    You're right. I forgot Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Pakistan Islam......they all treat their women so much better than those in Iran and Iraq.........NOT!! Muslim women in these countries can be murdered by their husbands or the authorities just as easily as in Iran or Iraq.......and if Islam does not have a problem with women's beauty, then why do they force them to be covered from head to toe?? Why did they have such a totally irrational response to one stupid thing a newspaper said?? You know as well as I do that women in these countries have abosolutely no rights whatsoever and many are treated worse than dogs. I'm sure there are convervative Muslims throughout the world but there seems to be more and more fanatics as time goes by.

    A report entitled "Arab Human Development Report 2002", authored by Egyptian scholars (and moderate Muslims) identified three main areas why the Arab block lags behind many other areas of the world in human development. One of these areas was women's status, which hinders development for rather obvious reasons. It is quite true that women are treated as second class humans in many Muslim countries and by many Muslim men. It is just as true that not all Muslim women are downtrodden and that not all Muslim men are downtreaders.

    You are correct that there seems to be more and more fanatics as time goes by. Have you ever considered if (a) this is factually correct? and (b) if it is, why this might be so?

    I agree, there are Muslims who were probably disgusted after 9-11. Unfotunately, there was the sickening spectical of seeing thousands of Muslims cheering in the streets of these Islamic countries after learning about the thousands that were killed in New York on September 11th that remains forefront in our minds.

    Yes, and those people who cheered did so because they too are demonising an entire group of people as evil. They are just as wrong about Americans, the vast majority of whom have no desire whatsoever to "nuke Mecca", as Westerners are who think that the average Arab is sitting in his harem plotting ways to kill Americans. Unfortunately average people don't make sensational news coverage, thereby boosting ratings and bringing in advertising revenue, so your everyday street Muslim who watched 911 with horror (and fear at the possible reactions) doesn't get much news coverage.

    Perhaps you should read a bit more on the riots. You would see that Christians were not just defending themselves, but were activiely killing Muslims and burning mosques. (Ref.: The Economist Nov 30, 2002)

    Ya, and why were they doing this? Because the Muslims attacked THEM for absolutely no other reason than they didn't like what a newspaper said about Muhammad........

    Um...we seem to have reached the point in the thread where we go back to the beginning and start all over again.

    When I hear or see where the Islamic groups in the US begin to take a stand against the violent actions of the extremist segments of Islamic society, I will feel much better with them being in my country.

    Many Muslim groups and clerics have denounced events such as 911 and the actions of extremists. It shouldn't be too difficult to locate examples in the media. Even Arafat managed to get off his fat ass and say something, as I recall. Oh, and a lot of those Muslims are U.S. citizens, which makes the U.S. just as much their country as it is yours.

    I may give up my notion that Islam is an anachronistic, fanatical belief system based on ignorance and hatred.

    But Islam is an anachronistic, fanatical belief system based on ignorance and hatred. It is a religion, after all. So is Christianity. Fortunately, Christianity is fading into irrelevance in the Western world, otherwise we would be at the same level of development as the Arab world. Also fortunately, most modern Christians do not subscribe to the extreme hate-based aspects of the religion. The same is true of many Muslims. The tragedy of the Muslim world is that the extremists still hold so much power, but that shouldn't make us hate Achmed Smith, whose major concerns are feeding and clothing his family, and whose fondest dreams are to see that family happy and prosperous.


    Edited by - expatbrit on 4 December 2002 22:42:18

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    A lot of people that do really horrible things wear shoes. The people who have committed some of the worst atrocities in the history of human kind did so while wearing shoes. In fact, just about anyone who ever did anything to me that was bad wore shoes on a regular basis. If you ask me, we should start nuking all shoe factories and stores. I'll only change my mind when I see shoe manufacturers denounce the acts on national news. That will, of course, have about as much chance of making the news as my wiping my ass because such boring acts hardly ever make the news but who cares. I'm too lazy to go out and find the truth of the stance of the leaders so I'll just make snap judgements based on my very limited knowledge of shoe wearers world wide.

    Do I sound like an idiot? Not as big as some people who have posted on this thread.

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