Geeze, I guess the Christians should've just STOOD THERE, like a bunch of idiots and then the Muslims slaughter them all to death eh? Don't try to shift the blame for the riot on to the Christians, because it wasn't the Christians that started the riot in the first place, it was the Muslims, end of story.
Perhaps you should read a bit more on the riots. You would see that Christians were not just defending themselves, but were activiely killing Muslims and burning mosques. (Ref.: The Economist Nov 30, 2002)
LOL! You've GOT to be kidding??!! Tell you what; why don't you go take a vacation over to Iran or Iraq, dressed in western clothing complete with make-up on and see how much they enjoy a woman's us from prison and tell us how many years they gave you.........
A glance at an atlas may be in order too. Iran and Iraq are not the entirety of the Islamic world. Nor do the entire populations of those countries subscribe to the extremist views of the current rulers (if they did, why would those rulers have to keep slaughtering them?) Also, the article spoke of Islam rejecting "beauty". It did not speak of Islam rejecting "women's beauty." Two different things entirely, and again an inaccurate generalisation.
Ya right......I guess everyone is just mis-interpreting the 150 references in the Koran promoting death to all "infidels"'s really a religion of peace!!
No, they probably are not. Just as all of the warlike references promoting death to non-believers in the Bible are probably not mis-interpreted. The majority of Christians are moderate and do not subcribe to those beliefs. The same is true of Muslims, though stating such appears to be heresy in the post 9-11 world.
Gee, last time I checked, none of the terrorists from September 11th or any of the suicide bombers that never seem to quit, were Christians, they were ALL MUSLIMS.
Gee, last time I checked, none of the IRA terrorists who have bombed Britain over the past 30 years killing more than 3000 people were Muslims, they were ALL CHRISTIANS. So have most Western mass murderers, terrorists and tyrants over the past thousand years. So what?
You don't get it do you? Whether you class all Jews as untermenschen, all Muslims as screaming murderers, all Irish as bombers, all Canadians as hosers, generalisations don't work!